Sunday, 12 November 2017

Ilrs Gleitender Durchschnitt

NAVY Space Command Uncovered NAVY Space Command Ungedeckte Naval Space Command A Pegasus Präsentation Hinweis: Dies wird ein großer Beitrag und wird mir einige Zeit, um das gesamte Material zu übertragen und überprüfen Sie Links und Fehler so bitte halten Sie Post bis ich fertig bin, danke auch Für die squeamish werde ich diesen Alert hinzufügen. Sind die meisten Links, die nicht auf meiner Website sind. MIL Links, also nicht sagen, ich habe dich nicht gewarnt Viele von euch wissen, dass seit Jahren John und ich haben darauf bestanden, dass es ein geheimes Astronauten-Programm. Wir haben den Missbrauch all die Jahre genommen, aber heute ist es an der Zeit, hierfür einen Fall vorzustellen. Es ist unsere Behauptung, dass die US NAVY trotz der Existenz des USAF Space Command verantwortlich ist, genau wie bei Star Trek ist es die NAVY, die die Raumflotte befiehlt. Gary McKinnons Anspruch auf Ruhm ist nicht, dass er UFOs oder UFO freie Energie-Technologie gefunden, seine einzige Behauptung ist er sah ein Bild von einem dieser Raum-Flotte Schiffe. Und fand eine Liste der nicht-terrestrischen Offiziere. Diese waren NICHT ET, aber Knüppel im Raum durch UNSERE bewaffnete Kräfte. So können wir unsere Reise beginnen. Da dies eine riesige Arbeit im Gange für mich ist bitte verzeihen, wenn ich um ein wenig auf den ersten Versuch, dies in Ordnung bringen zu springen. Ich werde mit etwas beginnen, das Weed Wacker mir geschickt hat. Jetzt Weed Wacker ist ein Skeptiker die meisten Male, und ich hoffe, dass ich nicht peinlich ihn (zu viel) mit diesem. Was er schickte, war ein Film über die Orbitale Mechanik. Eine Grundnote für Anfänger. Doch was wichtig ist in diesem Video ist die wenigen Sekunden der Eröffnungsbilanz. Weshalb er an mich dachte, mit Kiefer auf dem Boden schleifend. Space Flight: Anwendung der Orbitalmechanik AVA18245VNB1 - 1994 In den Eröffnungsbildern sehen wir, dass der Naval Space Command auf der NASA aufgeführt ist. Dieses Video wurde von Weed Wacker, einem Mitglied von ATS, zur Kenntnis genommen. Normalerweise ein stanch skeptisch, wurde er dieses Video verbunden, um ein Thema zu entlarven. Aber als er die Eröffnungsgutschriften sah und war schockiert. So schickte er es zu mir. Es ist diese kleinen Leckerbissen, die zusammen ein Puzzle zusammen und lassen Sie uns sehen, das ganze Bild. Obwohl wir schon seit Jahren sagen, dass die US NAVY das reale Raumfahrtprogramm betreibt und die NASA ist nur eine hübsche Front für die Öffentlichkeit, bis ich diesen Film gesehen habe, weder ich noch mein Team haben über dieses Emblem vor (siehe unten) über Gary McKinnons Raumschiff und nicht-terrestrische Offiziere. Sein größter Fehler ging in die Hintertür. Das ist wirklich bekommt sie verärgert und er bezahlt den Preis, aber die NAVY ist viel mehr bevorstehende mit Informationen als NASA ist und wenn Sie sie schön fragen, würden Sie überrascht sein, was Sie bekommen, so wie die Space Ship oder Fleet. Viele haben dies im Laufe der Jahre angedeutet und der Name Solar Warden wird mit vielen läuten und andere zum Stöhnen bringen. Ich glaube nicht, dass der tatsächliche Name des Projekts ist, aber es macht den Punkt, dass wir nicht die einzigen auf dieser Spur sind. Denken Sie jetzt daran, dass es noch wenig harten Beweis gibt. Aber im Laufe der Jahre hat es sich gelohnt, die Dinge aufzuholen. Müssen Sie die gesamte Präsentation folgen, um alle Teile des Puzzles zu sehen und sie zusammen zu binden. Informationen gibt uns manchmal Hinweise von seltsamen Orten. Zum Beispiel in einer Erklärung von Air Force Space Command wir diesen kleinen Hinweis bekommen. In einer Luftwaffe Space Commands Pressemitteilung. Nach der Berührungsstelle. Gibt es eine interessante Referenz. Raketenwarnung und Raumoperationen wurden kombiniert, um Luftwaffenraum-Befehl 1982 zu bilden. Während des Kalten Krieges konzentrierten sich Raumoperationen auf Raketenwarnung und Befehl und Kontrolle für nationale Führung. Im Jahr 1991 betonte die Operation Desert Storm den Schwerpunkt der Kommandos auf die Unterstützung des Kriegsfürsten. ICBM-Streitkräfte wurden 1993 zu AFSPC zusammengeführt. Ansprechpartner Air Force Space Command Öffentliches Amt 150 Vandenberg St. Suite 1105 Peterson AFB, CO 80914-4500 (719) xxx-xxxx oder DSN 692-3731 In der populären Kultur Im populären Fernsehen Serie Stargate SG-1 und Stargate Atlantis, wird das Stargate-Programm von der Air Force Space Command ausgeführt. Die AF Space Command Patch wurde auf der Uniform des Personals an Bord der Prometheus, Earths ersten operativen Tiefenraum Schlachtkreuzer getragen. Dieser Flieger ist seither ein Upgrade auf eine neuere, aber das Zitat ist immer noch auf Wikipedia kopiert. Was die nicht-terrestrischen Offiziere Ich abonniere eine gedruckte Zeitschrift von Space Command. High Frontier Das Journal für Space und Missile Professionals Im Sommer 2004 Ausgabe gibt es diese Bekanntmachung. Raum-Kommando General Kevin P. Chilton Kommandant, Luftwaffen-Raum-Befehl Die Einrichtung des Raum-Kommandos ist ein entscheidender Meilenstein in der Entwicklung der militärischen Raumoperationen. Raum ist ein Ort - wie Land, Meer und Luft - ein Theater der Operationen. Und es war nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis der Raum als solcher behandelt wurde. General James V. Hartinger, 1. September 1982 Naval Space Command Anfang der 1980er Jahre begannen die Navy mit der Entwicklung von Space Operations und Space Engineering Curricula an der Naval Postgraduate School, Codierung Offiziere als Raum subspecialists. Als Raum subspecialty Codes wurden dann bestimmten Offiziere Billets auf nummerierten Flotte Stäbe und auf Befehle an Land zugewiesen, begann der Dienst mit der Zuweisung Navy Mitglieder mit passenden Codes zu diesen Positionen. In jüngster Zeit hat die Marine begonnen Bemühungen um eine Kader von Raum intelligente Offiziere, Mitarbeiter und zivile Mitarbeiter zu bauen. Die Naval Space Cadre besteht aus aktiven Dienst und Reserve Marine und Marine Corps Offiziere und eingetragene Personal, zusammen mit Navy zivilen Mitarbeitern aus einer breiten Palette von Berufsfeldern, die obligatorische Ausbildung, Ausbildung und Erfahrung Standards für ein bestimmtes Zertifizierungsniveau festgelegt erfüllt. Der Marine-Raum-Kader ist ein unterschiedliches Gremium der Sachkenntnis horizontal und vertikal integriert im Marine - und Marinekorps aktiven Dienst, Reserven und zivile Angestelltgemeinschaften, die organisiert werden, um Raum zu betreiben. Die Anfangskennzeichnung des Kaders begann Mitte 2001 mit dem Standup der Marine-Raum-Kader-Arbeit Gruppe und kulminierte in einer Marine-Botschaft (NAVADMIN 20103 DTG211435Z JUL 03) Ankündigung der ersten 700 Offizier Mitglieder der Kader. Diese Offiziere wurden durch die Subspezialitätscodes von 6206, Space Systems Operations und 5500, Space Systems Engineering oder durch den zusätzlichen Qualifikationsbezeichner von VS1, VS2, VS3 oder VS4 identifiziert. Die Identifizierung der ansässigen und zivilen Kadermitglieder ist anspruchsvoller, da diese Gruppen nicht über spezifische Raumidentifizierer wie die Offiziere verfügen. Ungefähr 265 Billets werden derzeit als Raumbillets identifiziert. Diese Jobs sind in Navy, gemeinsame und National Security Space Organisationen. Space Cadre Mitglieder sind derzeit im gesamten National Security Space Arena, einschließlich der National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Space Architect, National Security Space Integration, MILSATCOM Joint Program Office, sowie in allen Navy-Organisationen, die sich mit Raum befassen zugeordnet. High Frontier The Journal for Space und Missile Professionals Sommer 2004 Es gibt keine Online-Kopie zur Verfügung, aber ich werde eine PDF-E-Mail zu schweren Anfragen So, da haben wir es. Erste 700 Offizier Mitglieder der Kader, durch die subspecialty Codes von 6206, Space Systems Operations, und 5500, Space Systems Engineering identifiziert. Mit 265 Knüppel, die derzeit als Raumbillets identifiziert werden. Diese Jobs sind in Navy. Okay zurück in die Geschichte Wenn wir lange genug warten. Schließlich kommt die Wahrheit heraus. Als John hier war, hatten wir einen Thread auf geheime Shuttle-Missionen. Ich war im Begriff, einen Faden auf dem ersten Korps der geheimen Astronauten zu bilden, um einen Punkt zu prüfen, als PBS NOVA uns mit Astrospies schaufelte. Ich schwöre, sie schnüffelten in meinem Computer. Aber heck, ich dont mind, weil mit ihren Ressourcen und ihre Glaubwürdigkeit, könnten sie die Arbeit besser machen, als ich jemals haben könnte. Und seit dieser Zeit niemand Streit mich über die Existenz von geheimen Astronauten. Stellen Sie sich vor, dass, wenn es 50 Jahre dauerte, um uns dies zu erzählen, was müssen sie uns noch erzählen Secret Astronauts Credit: NASA Treffen Sie acht Astronauten aus dem Manned Orbiting Laboratory Programm. Jemand hat mir ein signiertes Bild geschickt. Kein Brief, keine Rücksendeadresse. Nur das Bild. Es war ähnlich wie dieses. Eine Standard-NASA unterzeichnet Pressemitteilung Foto. Astronaut Richard Wirklich Warum ist er bedeutend gut, bis ich das Foto bekam und sah ihn (wieder), hatte ich nicht wirklich bezahlt Aufmerksamkeit auf ihn, außer dass er als einer der geheimen Astronauten in der Astrospies Abschnitt aufgeführt war, und hatte ihn auf Das Regal sozusagen für später Follow-up. Manchmal habe ich so begraben mit Daten, die ich vergesse zu Staub aus diesem Regal von Zeit zu Zeit. So wer auch immer schickte mir dieses Bild. DANKE für das Nudge Hier ist, was wir auf dem Regal hatten. Vice Adm. Richard H. Wirklich, United States Navy Sein starkes zu beschreiben, wie hart wir alle an MOL arbeiteten. Aber es war ein großer Teil unseres Lebens und wegen der harten Arbeit haben wir alle viel über uns und unsere Fähigkeiten gelernt. - Vice Adm. Richard H. Wirklich bearbeiten am 15-8-2009 von zorgon Astronaut Richard Wahrlich Richard Harrison Wirklich geboren wurde am 12. November 1937 in Fayette, Mississippi. Er besuchte das Georgia Institute of Technology, wo er seinen Bachelor of Aeronautical Engineering erhielt im Jahr 1959. Im Jahr 1964 besuchte er, was ist jetzt die Air Force Test Pilot School Edwards Air Force Base in Kalifornien, wo er später ein Lehrer. Im Anschluss an MOL, trat Richard Truly NASA und wurde ein Mitglied der Astronauten-Support-Crew und Kapsel Communicator (CAPCOM) für alle drei bemannte Skylab-Missionen im Jahr 1973 sowie die 1975 Apollo-Soyuz-Mission. Er pilotierte Kolumbien im Jahr 1981 und diente als Space Shuttle-Kommandeur während der dritten Challenger-Mission im Jahr 1983, nachdem er die NASA verließ die erste Kommandeur der Naval Space Command. Er kehrte zur NASA einen Monat nach der tragischen Challenger-Explosion, die alle sieben Besatzung im Jahr 1986 getötet. Wirklich wurde Chef der Agentur für drei Jahre ab 1989. Bereits ein pensionierter stellvertretender Admiral in der US Navy, hat er seitdem eine Reihe von ausgezeichnet Akademischen, staatlichen und beruflichen Positionen. Seine Dekorationen umfassen die Verteidigung Distinguished Service Medaille, Verteidigung Superior Service-Medaille, zwei Legionen des Verdienstes, und die Distinguished Flying Cross, sowie eine Vielzahl von Ehren von der NASA. Wirklich links NASA im Jahr 1983 zum ersten Kommandeur des Naval Space Command, Dahlgren, Virginia geworden. Er diente als NASA-Administrator von 1989-1992 So von der ersten Secret Astronaut-Programm, durch Vizeadmiral der NAVY, durch Regisseur der NASA, an den ersten Kommandeur der NAVY SPACE COMMAND würde ich sagen, wir haben das Programm ist real. Jetzt in einem aktuellen Thread hier bei ATS präsentierte ich etwas Material, das interessant war. Ich werde nicht sagen, welcher Thread oder was es war. Im Laufe des Threads wurde ich von mehreren Personen kontaktiert und der Dialog ist noch nicht abgeschlossen. Während dieser E-Mail-Diskurs einer der Menschen, die ich vorgestellt wurde, war John L Philips. Der Grund, warum ich kryptisch bin, ist, dass diese Tür für mich geöffnet wurde und ich noch nicht die Chance hatte, einzutreten und zu sehen, wohin es führt. So habe ich nicht die Absicht, messing up eine gute Sache. Jedoch seit dem folgenden Dokument IS in public domain. Ich werfe es hier als interessanten Zufall auf und folge später, wenn ich kann. (Auch gibt es hier Beobachter) Ich habe auch keine Ansprüche auf seinen derzeitigen Status anders als das, was in der folgenden NASA Biographie geschrieben. So dont werden Worte in meinem Mund. PERSÖNLICHE DATEN: Geboren am 15. April 1951 in Fort Belvoir, Virginia, aber bedenkt Scottsdale, Arizona, seine Heimatstadt zu sein. Ich glaube nur nicht an Zufälle glauben. John L. Phillips (Ph. D. Verheiratet mit der ehemaligen Laura Jean Doell von Scotia, New York. Sie haben zwei Kinder. Genießen Sie Skifahren, Schwimmen, Kajakfahren und Wandern. AUSBILDUNG: Absolvent von Scottsdale High School, Arizona, im Jahr 1966 erhielt eine B. S. Grad in Mathematik von der U. S. Naval Academy 1972 an M. S. In luftfahrttechnischen Systemen von der University of West Florida im Jahr 1974 und einem M. S. Und Ph. D. In der Geophysik und Raumphysik von UCLA in den Jahren 1984 und 1987. SPECIAL EHREN: National Merit Scholar absolvierte zweite von 906 an USNA verlieh die NASA Space Flight Medal, NASA Distinguished Service Medaille, die Gagarin-Medaille, das Komarov-Diplom, die Los Alamos National Laboratory Distinguished Performance Award und verschiedene militärische Auszeichnungen. So haben wir hier einen renommierten Gentleman, der ein NAVYNASA-Astronaut ist, zwei von RUSSIAs höchsten Platzpreisen hält und Los Alamos-Verbindungen hat. SPACE FLIGHT ERFAHRUNG: STS-100 Endeavor (19. April bis 1. Mai 2001). Während des 12-Tage-, 187-Orbit-Mission, lieferte die Mannschaft erfolgreich und installierte die Canadarm-2 Roboterarm. Sie lieferten auch Experimente und Lieferungen an Bord des Multifunktions-Logistikmoduls Raffaelloon seinen Erstflug. Phillips war der AscentEntry Flugingenieur und war der intravehicular Tätigkeit Koordinator während zwei Raumspaziergängen. ISS Expedition 11 (15. April bis 10. Oktober 2005). Phillips startete vom Baikonur-Kosmodrom in Kasachstan an Bord von Sojus TMA-6 und diente als NASA-Wissenschaftsoffizier und Flugingenieur an Bord der ISS. Während ihres sechsmonatigen Aufenthaltes an Bord der ISS forderte die Besatzung Stationswartung auf, arbeitete mit wissenschaftlichen Experimenten, führte einen Raumspaziergang in russischen Raumanzügen der Pirs Airlock und veranstaltete die Rückkehr zum Flugbesuch der Space Shuttle Discovery (STS-114). Die Besatzung der ISS-11 landete am 10. Oktober 2005 in Kasachstan. Im Anschluss an seine zweite Mission meldete Phillips 179 Tage und 23 Minuten im Raum einschließlich einer EVA von insgesamt 4 Stunden und 58 Minuten. Lesen Sie den Rest hier. Seine ziemlich a fantastische Karriere. John Phillips Bio jsc. nasa. gov. Seine aktuelle Stellenbeschreibung. Einem Robotik-Spezialisten, der Operationen für gegenwärtige und zukünftige Missionen unterstützt. Ich denke, ich werde nick nennen ihn Scotty sogar Bären ein wenig Ähnlichkeit Für die OP werde ich nur diese Programme mit einem kurzen referecnce Liste und später werde ich auf sie zu erweitern. Es gibt eine Menge, die in die NAVY-Raumfahrt-Programm binden und dies wird eine Weile dauern, bis zusammen US NAVAL OBSERVATORY Wir alle kennen diese und es hat sich seit Dezember 1830 Die United States Naval Observatory (USNO) ist eine der ältesten Wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen in den Vereinigten Staaten. Das Hotel liegt im Nordwesten von Washington, D. C. Es ist eines der wenigen astronomischen Observatorien in einem städtischen Bereich zum Zeitpunkt seiner Errichtung gelegen, war es weit von der Lichtverschmutzung durch die (damals kleinere) Innenstadt erzeugt. Gegründet im Auftrag des Sekretärs der Marine John Branch am 6. Dezember 1830 als Depot von Charts und Instrumenten, stieg das Observatorium aus bescheidenen Anfängen. Unter dem Kommando von Leutnant Louis M. Goldsborough, mit einem jährlichen Budget von 330, war seine primäre Funktion die Restaurierung, Reparatur und Bewertung von Navigationsinstrumenten. Es wurde in eine nationale Observatorium im Jahre 1842 über ein Bundesgesetz und eine Kongress-Aneignung von 25.000 gemacht. Leutnant James Melville Gilliss war verantwortlich für das Projekt, das im Jahre 1844 abgeschlossen wurde. Die Observatorien primäre Mission war es, für die Vereinigten Staaten Marine Marine Chronometer, Karten und andere Navigationsausrüstung zu kümmern. Es kalibriert Schiffe Chronometer durch Timing der Transit von Sternen über den Meridian. Ursprünglich in der Innenstadt von Foggy Bottom (in der Nähe des Lincoln Memorial) gelegen, wurde die Observatorium in seine jetzige Lage im Jahre 1893, auf dem Observatory Hill mit Blick auf Massachusetts Avenue, inmitten von perfekt kreisförmigen Gründen verlegt. Nun ist die USNO seit langem von Verschwörung Menschen als in der dicken von John Lear mit dem HansenSimon Newcomb Lunar Atmosphäre beschäftigen Z Sitchin mit R Harringtons Arbeit für Planet X Time Manipulation unter Beteiligung der Philadelphia Project und derzeit Fragen mit Verkürzung der Zeit und Der Schumann-Resonanz-Faktor Hier sind einige Links: United States Naval Observatory (USNO) - Haupt-Offizielle Website usno. navy. mil. Vereinigte Staaten Naval Observatory (USNO) - Zeit Portal usno. navy. mil. Bearbeiten am 15-8-2009 von zorgon Jetzt dieser jeder, zumindest auf ATS, sollte inzwischen wissen, dass Clementine NICHT ein NASA-Programm war. Noch im ganzen Forum und im Internet Ich sehe immer noch Leute sagen, es war ein NASA-Gig Nun war es nicht es war ein Star Wars Military-Programm. Das Marineforschungslabor ist nicht in irgendeiner Weise mit irgendeiner Organisation verbunden, die lunareigenschaft oder Anbaufläche auf dem Mond verkauft. NRL hat keine offizielle oder inoffizielle Beteiligung an der Bereitstellung von After-Sales-Service für den Kauf von lunaren Eigentum aus der Lunar Embassy, ​​seine Franchisenehmer oder ähnliche Organisationen. Streitigkeiten aus dem Erwerb von lunar Eigentum von solchen Organisationen müssen mit dem Verkäufer direkt gelöst werden. NRL war verantwortlich für die Planung, Herstellung, Integration und Mission Ausführung der Clementine Raumschiff für die ballistische Missile Defense Organisation. Während seiner zweimonatigen Umlaufbahn des Mondes im Jahr 1994, erfasst Clementine 1,8 Millionen Bilder der Mondoberfläche. Das Labor bietet die Clementine Lunar Image Browser als eine Höflichkeit für wissenschaftliche Forscher, sowie die breite Öffentlichkeit, und Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, die über 170.000 Bilder, die verfügbar sind, zu durchsuchen. Version 1.5 des Navy-Browsers. (Die jeder für die Anomalienjagd einsetzt) ​​cmf. nrl. navy. mil. Beachten Sie, dass die URL NRL. NAVY. MIL ist Keine NASA Version 2.0 des Navy-Browsers. Nrl. navy. mil. Beachten Sie die URL ist NRL. NAVY. MIL Keine NASA In der Tat die Clementine Daten produziert Farbbilder, hier abgedeckt. Revealed zum ersten Mal Farbbilder des Mondes von Clementine Satellite abovetopsecret. Die Clementine Satellite - PDF - Offizielle LLNL Bericht und Statistiken llnl. gov. US Department of Defense Office des Assistant Secretary of Defense (Öffentlichkeitsarbeit) News Transkript Dienstag, 3. Dezember 1996 Thema: Entdeckung des Eis auf dem Mond Q: Können Sie uns aktualisieren. Der Oberst erwähnt, dass durch die Zeit, die er das Büro im Jahr 1989 bekam, war es ziemlich klar, dass die USA nicht eine Raum-basierte Raketenabwehrsystem zu implementieren. Was ist mit dem Star Wars-Programm passiert? Wie ist Ihr Bürowechsel Was verwenden Sie diese Technologie für heute? A: Obwohl viele der Weltraumplattformen, die im Rahmen des Programms zur strategischen Verteidigungsinitiative im Jahr 1989 wirklich vorgestellt wurden, nicht unterstützt und fortgesetzt wurden Wegen der Änderung des Schwerpunkts, einschließlich des Namens der Organisation, um die ballistische Missile Defense Organisation, waren nun vor allem auf Theatern Raketenabwehr und nationale Raketenabwehr - Verteidigung des US-Kontinents und Alaska und Hawaii mit einer stark reduzierten Bedrohung konzentriert. Dafür haben wir natürlich den Niedergang des Kalten Krieges. Jedoch gibt es noch eine Raum-getragene Komponente zu unserer Theater - und nationalen Raketenabwehrarchitektur, und das ist der Raum-gegründete Infrarotsatellit. Das wird es uns ermöglichen, das Tracking zu verfolgen, vor allem im Schub und in den Mittelkursphasen der Flugbahn einer ballistischen Rakete. Also alle Technologien, die auf Clementine demonstriert wurden, sind Technologien, die wir hoffen würden entweder verwendet werden oder wäre der Großvater von Technologien, die wir schließlich in unserer Raumüberwachung Plattformen verwenden würde. Damit ist ein Teil der Raumarchitektur noch sehr lebendig. Q: Aber die Rolle des sogenannten Star Wars-Systems hat sich jetzt mehr zu einer Überwachung verschoben als im Gegenteil, um etwas zu zerstören. A: Nein, es beruht immer noch auf dem Abschuss ballistischen Raketen durch Schlag mit Abfangjägern. Daher ist diese Technologie wichtig, um die Track-Dateien auf die Abfangjäger aufzuspüren und weiterzugeben, damit sie ihre Ziele erreichen können. So ist es sehr ein Teil der Architektur. Q: Das bedeutet, was in Volumen A: Wir waren sehr konservativ in der Pressemitteilung, aber wenn Sie im Grunde genommen 100 Quadratkilometern von etwa 50 Meter, erhalten Sie ein Volumen von etwas wie eine Viertel der kubischen Meile, denke ich, auf Dieser Reihenfolge. Es ist eine beträchtliche Menge, aber es ist nicht ein riesiger Gletscher oder so ähnlich. F: Kannst du das mit etwas vergleichen, das du kennst A: Sein ein See. Ein kleiner See. Auf Wherefore Kunst, obwohl Clementine. Das Clementine Raumfahrzeug hat viele Geheimnisse, die ihn umgeben, aber der Namenswillen. Wo ist Clementine Lost und für immer gegangen Nun nicht ganz. Hier ist unsere Arbeit an Clementine. Darum Kunst Du Clementine - Das Geheimnis der Klementine Erforschte den lebendigen Mond. Q: Wo ist Clementine jetzt A: Die Raumsonde, wie Sie wissen, aus dem Namen Clementine, soll nur für eine kurze Zeit hier sein und für immer verloren gehen, also war es für eine sehr kurze Zeit gedacht Nach dieser Mondmission ein Rendezvous mit der Erde, und kurz darauf wurde es durch die Mondschwerkraft verschoben und setzte eine Flucht fort, die es in der Nähe der Erde etwa neun Jahre zurück bringen wird. So ist sein ein 11-jähriger Gesamtflug um die Sonne. So im Grunde seine Bewegung wie ein kleiner Planet um die Sonne, und es wird es zurück zu uns in etwa neun Jahren bringen. Seine zwei Jahre, seit es uns verlassen, so wird es noch neun Jahre vor seinem Rücken sein. Aber seine nicht sinnvoll jetzt. Die Mission ist beendet. Q: Aber im Gegensatz zu seinem Namensvetter, seine nicht verloren und für immer verschwunden. Es wird zurück sein A: Es wird zurück sein, aber es ist kein nützliches Raumschiff mehr. Die oben genannten Zitate sind von der Pentagon Pressemitteilung im Jahr 1996 veröffentlicht, aber nicht online bis Okt 2006 DoD News Briefing Presenter: Dr. Dwight Duston, stellvertretender Stellvertretender für Technologie, ballistische Missile Defense Organisation defenselink. mil. Bearbeitet am 15-8-2009 von zorgon THE TETHER INCIDENT Seit einiger Zeit in vielen Threads, vor allem diejenigen, die sich mit dem berüchtigten STS 75 Tether Incident und NASAs bungling Verlust des Satelliten, habe ich fallen Hinweise über die ANDERE Tether-Satellit von der NAVY geflogen Nur einen Monat später. Es wurde für zwei Jahre für Laserexperimente verwendet und soweit ich weiß, dass es immer noch von Amateuren entdeckt wird, zumindest vor ein paar Jahren. Es flog zuerst 1996 und ich habe ein Amateurvideo davon, das im Sommer 2004 mit einem Astrovid StellaCam EX von apolloisgo (Link später) übergeben wurde. Jetzt haben nur sehr wenige Leute mich sogar danach gefragt und trotzdem noch Infos dazu In öffentlichen Kanälen. Es ist eines von meinem Haustier Peeves, die Leute sagen, sie sind auf der Suche nach Wahrheit, aber dann selbst wenn Sie reiben ihre Nasen in sie, sie immer noch nicht sehen. Ich bekam die üblichen Rippen von bestimmten Skeptikern, die nicht einmal die Mühe, eine einfache Suche zu tun. Nun, dieser Satellit war geflogen und sie schossen Laser von zwei Standorten auf der Erde. Eines war das Advanced Electro Optical System (AEOS) Mount Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii, das von der Air Force geleitet wurde, und dies war der Ort, an dem sie Fotos des Satelliten in der Umlaufbahn machten. Der andere Standort war die Starfire Optical Range in Kirtland AFB in New Mexico thelivingmoon. Es gibt eine ähnliche Einrichtung in Russland, dass ich wusste, und gelang es, auf Google Earth zu finden. Es heißt OKNO ELINT und auf dem Projekt sagten die Russen, wir hätten DREI. Gut fand ich Starfire und AEOS kein Problem, aber der dritte entzogen mich aber es war schon auf meiner Liste. HELSTAF Hochenergie-Lasersystem-Test-Einrichtung - White Sands, New Mexico thelivingmoon. Dies war der russische Artikel, den ich verwendet, um es auf GE enews. ferghana. ru verfolgen. OKNO Sourcebook - 242 Seiten PDF-Bericht fas. org. Also zurück zum Tether. Der Zweck des Brennens der Laser auf es war, das Konzept der Übertragung von Macht auf Satelliten im Raum über Hochleistungslaser zu testen. Die neuen optischen Systeme kompensieren die atmosphärische Ausbreitung. Mein nächster Thread beschäftigt sich mit diesem Thema im Detail. Und ein wenig später werde ich Ihnen ein weiteres großartiges NAVY-Projekt zeigen. Das NAVY Tether heißt TiPS Tether Physics und Survivability Experiment. Einige öffentliche Links. Jetzt diese Seiten geben Ihnen grundlegende Details. Grafik der US Naval Research Laboratories TiPS Tether Satelliten. Beachten Sie, dass nur ein kleiner Teil des 4-Kilometer-Haltebandes gezeigt wird. Dies ist die tatsächliche Größe der Tether-Kabel Aber wenn ich zum ersten Mal festgestellt, dass dies ein paar Jahre ein go die Info war auf dieser URL (die jetzt gibt Ihnen eine Weiterleitung) Catchy URL sicher sein, eh Ich kontaktiert die NAVY Webmaster für die Erlaubnis zum Nachdruck der Daten, wie es jetzt deklassiert wurde und erhalten, dass die Erlaubnis Hier sind die Links zu den Daten und Fotos Tether Physics und Survivability Experiment (TiPS) - Naval Research Laboratory thelivingmoon. Verarbeitete TiPS Bilder von MSSSAMOS - Naval Research Laboratory thelivingmoon. Tether-Physik und Survivability-Experiment (TiPS) - Naval Research Laboratory Projekte. nrl. navy. mil. - (die hyperspace. nrl. navy. mil Link ist noch auf dieser Seite - ich habe es nicht geschafft) Video von lasing the Satellite Herunterladen TiPS MPEG Video (382 kb) thelivingmoon. Youtube Capture von einem Amateur im Jahr 2004, sondern nur auf YouTube im Jahr 2007 veröffentlicht Bearbeiten am 15-8-2009 by zorgon NRL - Das Hochfrequenz-aktive Auroral Research Program nrl. navy. mil. Navys Rekord-Brechen von Railgun Shot Screen-Capture aus dem Video. Beachten Sie das Logo auf dem Ziel zeigt die Schiene Pistole im Raum. Kann jemand übersetzen, dass Latein Navys Record-Breaking Railgun Schuss Video Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, Virginia nswc. navy. mil. Thema b. Entwicklung neuer Technologien, die kommerziellen Raum-basierten oder konventionellen Flugzeug-Sensoren ermöglichen, um künstliche Strukturen unter schweren (Dreifach-Baldachin) Dschungel Laub versteckt erkennen. Betrachtet werden kostengünstige und kostengünstige Konzepte, die in weniger als 6 Monaten prototypisiert werden können. Space zu NAVELEX Exploration Hilft Drive Navy Reorganisation Bemühungen um den Weltraum zu erobern begann in den frühen 1960er Jahren, als die erste US bemannte Raumschiff Freedom 7 erfolgreich gestartet und erholt wurde 5. Mai 1961. Sowohl Astronaut Alan Shepard und die Freiheit 7 wurden sicher mit dem Hubschrauber geflogen Auf dem Deck der USS Lake Champlain innerhalb von 11 Minuten Landung. Mit dieser erfolgreichen Wiederaufnahme forderte Präsident John F. Kennedy die Nation auf, Männer auf dem Mond zu landen und sie sicher zu Erde vor 1970 zurückzugeben. Raum-Programm fährt Marine zur Reorganisation. Als Antwort auf die Herausforderung startete die NASA das Apollo Space Program. Es wurde bald klar, dass die Unterstützung des Weltraumprogramms eine bedeutende Priorität für die Marine darstellen würde. Die Unterstützung des Weltraumprogramms und die Einführung eigener Satellitennavigationssysteme führten zu einer Reihe von organisatorischen Veränderungen innerhalb der Marine. Zusammen mit einigen bestehenden Herausforderungen hatte die Marine seit einiger Zeit gekämpft. NAVSPACECOM (NAVSPACECOM) (U) (U) Mit Hauptsitz in Dahlgren, Virginia, begann NAVSPACECOM am 1. Oktober 1983. NAVSPACECOM nutzt das Medium des Raumes und sein Potenzial, an Land - und Flottenkräften wesentliche Informationen und Fähigkeiten zur Verfügung zu stellen - Betrieb zugeordnete Systeme - Execing Missionen, die von USCINCSPACE - Advocating Seekriegsführung Anforderungen in der gemeinsamen Arena und - Advising, Unterstützung und Unterstützung von Navigationsdiensten durch Training und durch die Entwicklung von Raumplänen, Programmen, Budgets, Politiken, Konzepte und Lehre. (U) NAVSPACECOM dient auch als Marine-Service-Komponente des United States Space Command (USSPACECOM), gegründet 1985. Die Zuständigkeiten der Komponenten umfassen betrieblich zugeordnete Weltraumsysteme zur Überwachung und Warnung sowie die Bereitstellung von Raumfahrzeug-Telemetrie und On-Orbit Engineering-Unterstützung . Darüber hinaus bietet NAVSPACECOM Einrichtungen und Mitarbeiter ein Kommando-Center 24 Stunden am Tag, um als Alternative Space Control Center (ASCC) für USSPACECOMs primären Zentrum befindet sich am Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Base, Colo ASCC Missionen gehören die operative Richtung des gesamten globalen Raum Überwachungsnetz für CINCSPACE. Das ASCC erkennt, verfolgt, identifiziert und katalogisiert alle künstlich hergestellten Objekte im Weltraum und versorgt diese Objekte mit etwa 1.000 Kunden mit Ephemeriden. Es überwacht auch die Weltraumumgebung und informiert Eigentümer und Betreiber von US-amerikanischen und alliierten Raumfahrtsystemen über eine potenzielle Bedrohung ihres Vermögens durch eine kontinuierliche Verbindung mit den Systembetriebszentren. Schließlich bietet NAVSPACECOM administrative Aufsicht für zwei Echelon 3 operative Navy-Aktivitäten: das Naval Satellite Operations Center (NAVSOC) und das Fleet Surveillance Support Command (FLTSURVSUPPCOM). US Naval Space Command Space Surveillance System Eines der weniger bekannten Vermögenswerte der US Space Commands Weltweites Raumüberwachungssystem ist der 217 MHz NAVSPASUR Zaun in den südlichen USA. Die folgenden Elemente aus verschiedenen Quellen (kursiv dargestellt) geben einige grundlegende Informationen über das System, seine Geschichte und Verwendung. US Naval Space Kommando Raumüberwachung System fas. org. Die Mission von PEO Space Systems ist es, zuverlässige, kostengünstige, flexible, effektive und nahtlose Raumsysteme zu entwickeln, zu erwerben, zu integrieren, zu produzieren, zu starten, zu testen und zu betreiben, die DOD und DOD unterstützen US-Agenturen zu ermöglichen gemeinsame, Koalition, kombiniert und Marine Operationen. PEO Space Systems koordiniert alle Abteilung der Marine Raumfahrt, Entwicklung und Akquisition Aktivitäten. US Navy Program Executice Bürosysteme Unternehmen enterprise. spawar. navy. mil. Naval Space Command Die Marine-Services wachsende Abhängigkeit vom Raum veranlasste den Sekretär der Marine, ein neues Kommando zu gründen, das Raumaktivitäten und Organisationen, die Marine-Raumsysteme betreiben und warten, konsolidieren würden. Diese neue Organisation - die Marine-Kommandantur - wurde am 1. Oktober 1983 in Auftrag gegeben. Es war ein entscheidender Schritt, mehrere Aktionen unter einem einzigen Kommando zusammenzuführen, um die operative Kontrolle zu stärken, einen zentralen Schwerpunkt für maritime Raumangelegenheiten zu schaffen und effektiver zu führen Künftige Nutzung des Raums. Nein, ich behaupte nicht, dass der japanische Lunar Orbiter mit der NAVY verbunden ist. In der Raumschiff Kaguya SELENE steht für SELenological und ENGINEERING Explorer JAXA SELENOLOGIE und ENGINEERATION Explorer KAGUYA (SELENE) jaxa. jp. Die NAVY SELENE steht für SpacE Laser ENergy Warum dieses ungerade Akronym Gute Frage. Vielleicht hat es etwas mit dem japanischen Mondschiff zu tun, nachdem alle Informationen ist schwer zu finden, aber wir haben einige Dinge zu tun. Exuberant1 hat gearbeitet, um dieses aufzuzeichnen, sowie andere Informationen auf Lasern, um Energie von Erde zu Satelliten, von Satelliten zu Boden und von Satelliten zu Satelliten zu übertragen. SELENE hat die Fähigkeit, POWER TO THE MOON zu schicken. Denken Sie an die Implikationen von DAS. NAOMISELENE-Standortgestaltung Hislop, Arthur Q. Malik, John L. Richter, David J. Bennett, Harold E. Proc. SPIE Vol. 2376, p. 297-314, Laserleistungsstrahlung II, Harold E. Bennett Richard D. Doolittle Eds. Die Birchum Mesa SELENE (Space Laser Energy) Anlage wird Dual-Use-Anlage sein, wie es für die fortschreitende Entwicklung von High Power Free Electron Laser (FEL) und kommerziellen Laserstrahl Kraftübertragung auf Raumfahrzeuge bietet. Die Anlage besteht aus SELENE mainsite mit zwei Lasersystemschächten und Unterstützungseinrichtungen mit Transporttunneln, die an das optische Beam Transfer Optical System (BTOS) ankoppeln. Der Lasersensor der ersten Generation arbeitet mit 100 kW Quasi-CW-Laserleistung mit einem geplanten Wachstum bis 10 MW Ausgangsleistung. The BTOS beam director will direct a focus compensated laser power beam to provide power service to space vehicles within a - 50 degree (half angle from zenith) tracking cone service field. An underground hardened site is proposed for this facility to mitigate any potentially hazardous effects from operation of a very high energy CW electron beam laser, to protect the facility from inadvertent weapons splashdown during range Test and Evaluation operations, and to create minimum environmental impact upon historical and ecological elements of the range. Advantages of China Lake for laser power beaming Bennett, Harold E. Proc. SPIE Vol. 2376, p. 280-296 Laser Power Beaming II, Harold E. Bennett Richard D. Doolittle Eds. The site for the proposed National Advanced Optic Mission Initiative (NAOMI) facility will be in the mountains near China Lake, California. This location has 260 clear days per year (more than any other feasible site in the U. S.). In 1993 there were 5 completely overcast days all year. The area near the proposed site is unpopulated. The solar insolation in this general area is the greatest of any area in the United States. The NAOMI system will be installed at an altitude of 5600 feet. Astronomical seeing there is excellent. Even at a less favored site than that planned for NAOMI the average Fried seeing coefficient ro is 12 cm in the visible region and 20 cm values of ro (comparable to the best observatories) are commonly observed. The area is centrally located in and entirely surrounded by one of the largest restricted airspacemilitary operating airspace complexes in the United States, 12 of the entire airspace in California. Electrical power is available from either the nearly Coso Geothermal plant, second largest in the United States, or from the even closer cogeneration plant at Trona, California. Cooling water can be obtained from the nearby area or from the lake itself. Although a dry playa, the lake has a high brackish groundwater level. Most of the commercial satellites over the U. S. could be reached by a lasertelescope system located on government land at the Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS) military reservation at China Lake. This telescopelaser system will be a prototype for five other systems planned for around the world. The complex will provide laser power beaming to all satellites and put the United States into the position of world leader in satellite technology and power beaming to space. Now the part about beaming power via laser to the Moon Beam Transmission Optical System (BTOS) SELENE The development of the Beam Transmission Optical System (BTOS) is a portion of a larger project entitled SpacE Laser Electric ENErgy (SELENE). The SELENE project utilizes a high energy, free electron laser to transfer energy from the ground to orbiting spacecraft or other space targets such as a lunar base 1 BTOS is the systcm that delivers the beam energy from the laser to the target. The primary mission objective of SELENE is to provide energy for operation of geosynchronous satellites including steady-state power for operations, periodic low power for station keeping, periodic high power during eclipses, and high power for transfer orbit apogee burn. 2 SELENE will also provide energy for operation at middle and high earth orbits (MEO) of 3000 kilometers. Another possible usage for SELENE will be to provide energy to a laser-augmented solar-electric orbit transfer vehicle wherein a low earth orbit (LEO) vehicle transfers to geosynchronous orbit (GEO) through a spiral trajectory path. Finally, SELENE will provide continuous steady-state energy for operation of a lunar base. 3 Structural Design Considerations for the Beam Transmission Optical System Paul D. MacNeal and Michael C. Lou, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California As I said I will create a new thread on the LASER POWER Transmission as there is a lot to cover. I just wanted to show the tie in with the NAVY SPACE PROGRAM and the BEAMING OF POWER VIA SUPER LASERS TO SPACE CHINA LAKE Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD) navair. navy. mil. Weapons Division PAO: About China Lake - Ridgecrest navair. navy. mil. Thats all for now. I have lots more to add but I needed to get the thread started. All this data and more is collected on my site. There are many links to sites and papers and it is an on going project, especially as more data is released from the NAVY This just to add because its done. and is NAVY Nothing to do with space And just because its a secret Navy Submarine Base Under the Nevada Desert thelivingmoon. NUWC Naval Underwater Warfare Center - Hawthorne Nevada Division Photo Tour at Gate thelivingmoon. The end. for now A practical demonstration of a Laser BTOS system being used to supply power to a sub-orbital craft (a remote-controlled plane): Flights of the lightweight, radio-controlled model airplane inside a large building at NASA Marshall are believed to be the first time that a plane has been powered only by laser energy. The demonstration was a key step toward the capability to beam power to an aircraft, allowing it to stay in flight indefinitely -- a concept with potential for the scientific community as well as the remote sensing and telecommunications industries. As Zorgon pointed out, not all lasers systems need be Earth-based - In some cases (such as moon missions), it would be far more practical to have solar-pumped laser in orbit. It appears that Langley and NASA have taken an interest in the matter: - solar-pumped lasers in lunar orbit would beam power to the lunar surface for conversion into either electricity or propulsion needs. For example, lunar rovers could be much more flexible and lighter than rovers using other primary power sources - Also, laser power could be absorbed by lunar soil to create a hard glassy surface for dust-free roadways and launch pads - Laser power transmission is shown to be a highly flexible, enabling primary power source for lunar missions. Using lasers to make roads and launchpads. think about that. Along with power transfer and generation, such lasers could be also used in mineral and water extraction (ie. water from the small lake). There are many advantages in using such a flexible power-transfer system. What might these lunar orbiting solar-pumped lasers look like But what about power transmission from the Earth to orbiting satellites and the moon, surely that would be noticed. Here is what you would see if you lacked the proper equipment, and you looked into the sky towards and active BTOS system: Unaided, you would see Nothing: But if you were properly equipped, you would see beams rising up to meet with various satellites, some going to the moon, some even further - the beams which meet satellites are probably not from an observatory. Properly aided, your eyes would see something like this: (Jose Escamilla believes that these these may be Space Elevators. This and other such images can be seen in his new Movie Moon Rising) More information regarding Laser Power Beaming can be found here: thelivingmoon. edit on 15-8-2009 by Exuberant1 The Japanese are currently working on a Space Based Power System which converts solar energy into microwave and laser pulses. Let us hope the beams dont stray off-target: Japan Shooting For Space-Based Solar Power TOKYO (Nikkei)--The government will by the end of this year start developing technologies designed to eventually beam electricity from solar panels in space down to the earth. An artists image of a compact satellite for use in an experiment to transmit power down to the earth. (Courtesy of JAXA) A public solicitation for firms to participate in the endeavor will soon be made the companies may be selected as early as next month. The government expects players in the electronics and heavy electric machinery industries to participate. The hope is to commercialize orbital solar power by 2030. Such a system would have such advantages as generating electricity regardless of the weather on the ground. The project will develop technologies to transmit power down to the earth. The idea is to convert solar electricity into microwaves, which would then be converted back into electricity at the surface. Coincidentally, it is starting to look as if the Japaneses KaguyaSelene mission was actually a part of the larger BTOS SELENE program. If this is the case, then the name selection of the probe-set was probably not by chance. More to come. The Europeans are getting in on the action, and will be testing their own Space Based Power system and will assess a laser-based SBPS concept for Earth and for the lunar surface. Small scale science missions laser power transmissions will also be considered. ESA funds technology for Earth and Moon base SBSP The European Space Agencys general studies programme is to assess a laser-based SBPS concept for Earth and for the lunar surface. Small scale science missions laser power transmissions will also be considered. The ESA work will include an assessment of the integration of space-based solar power plants into terrestrial ones, including innovative approaches to orbit selection and methods for the adaptation of terrestrial solar power plants to serve in addition as receiving stations for space solar power plants. According to the European agency direct solar pumped laser technologies offer the option of increasing total laser conversion efficiencies by an order of magnitude and innovative beam control and steering technologies, laser to electricity conversion systems and a combination of parallel data, power transmission techniques are of interest. edit on 15-8-2009 by Exuberant1 Another awesome post Zorgon I appreciate all the hard work you and others have done to bring this thread to us. SF Probably not related but. I used to wonder why on some shuttle missions there have been former Navy Seals members. odd to me because I assumed that it was either Air Force pilots, teachers or Dr. s of some kind but now Im thinking these guys were part of the Navy Space Command maybe posted on Aug, 15 2009 10:26 AM Well done zorgon. One of the most thorough posts its been my pleasure to have read, although Im still only half way through all the information youve bombarded me with. Just one question (forgive me if youve mentioned this and I havent yet read it) but where do you think these space craft launch from Even if they launched from one of the sea based sites surely someone would see it Maybe they have and the launches have been recorded as UFO sightings Once again, well done. MetaStock Custom Indicators 5 35 5 MACD Absolute Breadth Index AdvanceDecline Line with Negative Volume Adaptive Moving Average, by Perry Kauffman ADXADXR Custom (without rounding) Arms Index (TRIN) Aroon Indicators, by Tushar Chande Average-Modified Method, by Perry Kauffman Bollinger Bands Breadth Thrust Candlecode Candle Strength Index Chande Momentum Oscillator Composite Average Chande Momentum Oscillator Volatility Chandes Momentum Oscillator Chandes Trendscore Changing Ways AccumulationDistribution Comparative Relative Strength in MetaStock for Windows Confidence Coppock Curve Daily Close vs High and Low Close Detrended Price Oscillator Disparity Index Displaying the Price of a Security in 32nds and 64ths Divergence between the Close and an Indicator Dynamic Momentum Oscillator Elliot Oscillator End Point Moving Average End Points of a Linear Regression Line with Standard Deviations Gann High Low Gann-Swing Gann-Trend Gap Identification GRIIF1 Identification Oscillator Hi Low Wave Daily Historical Volatility Daily Historical Volatility Weekly Insync Index Kurtosis Indicator MACD Histogram Market Facilitation Index Market Facilitation Index Expert Advisor Market Pressure - Ultimate Market Thrust Oscillator Martin Prings KST Formulas Mass Index McClellan Oscillator McClellan Summation Index McGinley Dynamic Modified VIX Indicator Money Flow Index Morris Double Momentum Oscillator Moving Average of Only One Day of a the Week Natenbergs Volatility One Day Money Flow Percent AboveBelow Moving Average Persistence of Money Flow Plotting Alpha and Beta Polarized Fractal Efficiency Price Action Indicator (PAIN) Price Oscillator Wave Price Volume Rank Price Volume Trend Stochastic Random Walk Index Rate of Change Since a Specific Date Recursive Moving Trend Average Regression Oscillator and the SlopeClose Indicator Relative Strength Index (RSI) Custom Relative Volatility Index (RVI) R squared, Chande amp Krolls Rule of 7 Oscillator Short Volume Wave Slope of a Line Slope of a Linear Regression Line Standard Error Bands for MetaStock for Windows Special Trix STIX Oscillator Stochastic D Stochastic Relative Strength Index Stochastic Wave Long Stochastic Wave Short Support and Resistance - Yoni The New Advance Decline Line Tick Line Momentum Oscillator Trading Channel Index Trending Bandini Trendline Formula True Strength Index Tushar Chandes Target Price Tushar Chandes Vidya with Volatility Bands Volatility Volatility Difference Volume Accumulation Indicator Volume Oscillator Wave Weekly High Low Wave Weekly Oscillator Segment Weekly Price Oscillator Wilders Volatility TASC Traders Tips Freeburg Precious Metal Switch Fund System Rainbow Charts Using Fibonacci Ratios and Momentum Volatility Indicator Breaking out of Price Channels Smoothing Techniques for more Accurate Signals Anchored Momentum Double Tops and Double Bottoms Adaptive Moving Average Automatic Support and Resistance Mutated Variables, Volatility and a New Market Paradigm Channel Analysis A Volatility Trade in Gold From Terms to Technical Tools Simple Moving Average with Resistance and Support Combining Statistical and Pattern Analysis, Shark 32 Better Bollinger Bands Dynamic Multiple Time Frames Sine-Wave Weighted Moving Average MetaStock - 5 35 5 MACD The 5,35,5 MACD is a variation of the standard 12,26,9 MACD and was made popular by Chris Manning, who uses it to identify major market divergence points: ((Mov( CLOSE, 5, E) - Mov( CLOSE, 35, E))-(Mov((Mov( CLOSE, 5, E) - Mov( CLOSE, 35, E)),5,E))) When first plotted on a chart, the 5,35,5 MACD will appear as a solid line with no horizontal line at the value of zero (as shown in picture below). After applying the 5 35 5 MACD indicator to your chart, use the following steps to create a histogram with vertical line at zero. A) Double click the indicator to open the properties dialogue box. B) Select the ColorStyle tab and using the Style drop-down list, select the histogram setting (second from the bottom). C) Select the Horizontal Lines tab and enter a value of zero (0) for the horizontal line value. Click Add. D) Click OK (indicator will appear as per picture below) MetaStock Formula - Absolute Breadth Index The Absolute Breadth Index (ABI) is a market momentum indicator that was developed by Norman G. Fosback. The ABI shows how much activity, volatility, and change is taking place on the New York Stock Exchange while ignoring the direction prices are headed. You can think of the ABI as an quotactivity indexquot. High readings indicate market activity and change, while low readings indicate lack of change. In Mr. Fosbacks book, Stock Market Logic . he indicates that historically, high values typically lead to higher prices three to twelve months later. The MetaStock formula for the Absolute Breadth Index is: ABS ( Advancing Issues - Declining Issues ) To plot it: Create a composite security of the Advancing Issues - Declining Issues. In Windows versions use The DownLoader to create the composite or in the DOS versions use MetaStocks File Maintenance to create the composite. In MetaStock open the composite and plot the custom formula ABS( C ) on it. MetaStock Formula - Advance Decline Line with Negative Volume There is a way to get the negative volume on an advance-decline line chart in MetaStock for Windows. The requirement is: Each security must have both the number of issues and the volume in the file. Advancing issues with advancing volume in one security and declining issues with declining volume in one security file. These files may be obtained from Reuters Trend Data by way of The DownLoader for Windows. You will also need to create a composite security of the Advance-Decline line, which is the advances - declines. The following steps will get you an advance-decline line with negative volume where applicable. Follow these steps once and save as a CHART. When you want to use it simply load the chart and the program will calculate the new volume plot using the new data. Create a NEW chart of the advancing issues. Create a NEW chart of the declining issues. Create a NEW chart of the advance-decline composite. Create a NEW INNER WINDOW on the declining issues chart. Delete the volume plot on the advance-decline composite chart. Copy the volume from the advancing issues chart and paste it into the new inner window on the declining issues chart. Drop the custom formula, P-V on the advancing volume plot in the declining issues chart, creating a new scale. Copy that plot to the empty inner window (where the volume was) of the advance-decline composite. Save that chart as the adv-decl chart (perhaps advdecl. mwc). This will be the chart you load to do your study of the advance-decline line with negative volume MetaStock Formula - Adaptive Moving Average, by Perry Kaufman This is a Metastock for Windows version 6.5 formula. Periods : Input(quotTime Periodsquot,1,1000, 10) Direction : CLOSE - Ref(Close,-periods) SSC : ER (FastSC - SlowSC) SlowSC AMA : If(Cum(1) periods 1, ref(Close,-1) constant (CLOSE - ref(Close,-1)),Prev constant (CLOSE - PREV)) MetaStock Formula - ADX ADXR Custom (without Rounding) Here are custom ADX and ADXR formulas that will plot the decimals after the calculation. The built-in indicators plot exactly as Welles Wilder plots them in his book, New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems. These custom indicators calculate the same way except they do not round as Wilder does. Periods:Input(quotTime Periodsquot,1,100,14) PlusDM:If(HgtRef(H,-1) AND LgtRef(L,-1), H-Ref(H,-1),If(H gtRef(H,-1) AND LltRef(L,-1) AND H-Ref(H,-1)gt Ref(L,-1)-L, H-Ref(H,-1),0)) PlusDI:100Wilders(PlusDM, Periods)ATR(Periods) MinusDM:If(LltRef(L,-1) AND HltRef(H,-1), Ref(L,-1)-L, If(HgtRef(H,-1) AND LltRef(L,-1) AND H-Ref(H,-1)ltRef(L,-1)-L, Ref(L,-1)-L,0)) MinusDI:100Wilders(MinusDM, Periods)ATR(Periods) DIDif:Abs(PlusDI-MinusDI) DISum:PlusDIMinusDI ADXFinal:100Wilders(DIDifDISum, Periods) ADXFinal Periods:Input(quotTime Periodsquot,1,100,14) PlusDM:If(HgtRef(H,-1) AND LltRef(L,-1), H-Ref(H,-1),If(HgtRef(H,-1) AND LltRef(L,-1) AND H-Ref(H,-1)gtRef(L,-1)-L, H-Ref(H,-1),0)) PlusDI:100Wilders(PlusDM, Periods)ATR(Periods) MinusDM:If(LltRef(L,-1) AND HltRef(H,-1), Ref(L,-1)-L, If(HgtRef(H,-1) AND LltRef(L,-1) AND H-Ref(H,-1)ltRef(L,-1)-L, Ref(L,-1)-L,0)) MinusDI:100Wilders(MinusDM, Periods)ATR(Periods) DIDif:Abs(PlusDI-MinusDI) DISum:PlusDIMinusDI ADXFinal:100Wilders(DIDifDISum, Periods) ADXRCustom: (ADXFinalRef(ADXFinal, LastValue(1-periods)))2 ADXRCustom MetaStock Formula - Arms Index (TRIN) The Arms Index, also known as TRIN, is a market indicator that shows the relationship between the number of stocks that increase or decrease in price (advancingdeclining issues) and the volume associated with stocks that increase or decrease in price (advancingdeclining volume). The Arms Index was developed by Richard W. Arms, Jr. in 1967. The Arms Index is primarily a short term trading tool. The Index shows whether volume is flowing into advancing or declining stocks. If more volume is associated with advancing stocks than declining stocks, the Arms Index will be less than 1.0 if more volume is associated with declining stocks, the Index will be greater than 1.0. The formula for the Arms Index is: (Advancing Issues Declining Issues) (Advancing Volume Declining Volume) To calculate the Arms Index in MetaStock for Windows you will need to first collect the four pieces of data. Reuters Trend Data (RTD) supplies this data in two files. The tickers are X. NYSE-A (Advances, number and volume) and X. NYSE-D (Declines, number and volume). DialData also supplies this data in two files. Advances, number and volume and Declines, number and volume. The tickers are NAZK and NDZK. CompuServe supplies this data in 4 files. The tickers are NYSEI (Advances)use the cusip 00000157 rather than the symbol NYSEJ (declines) NYUP (Advance volume) and NYDN (decline volume). After the data has been collected follow these steps: For data from RTD or Dial Data In the DownLoader create a composite security of the Advances Declines. In MetaStock open the composite. Create and plot the custom formula: CV This gives you the Arms Index (TRIN). For data from CompuServe In the DownLoader create the two composites. Advancing Issues Declining Issues Advancing Volume Declining Volume In MetaStock open both composites. Tile the charts so they can both be viewed. Drag the plot of the Adv. VolumeDec. Volume composite into an inner window in the Adv. IssuesDec. Issues chart. Create the custom formula: CP Plot this formula on top of the Adv. VolumeDec. Volume plot (the Adv. VolumeDec. Volume plot will turn a purplish color to signify the formula will be plotted on it). You will know have the Arms Index (TRIN) plotted. You can drag it to its own inner window if you prefer. MetaStock Formula - Aroon Indicators, by Tushar Chande For interpretation of the Aroon indicators refer to Tushar Chandes article quot Time Price Oscillator quot in the September, 95 Technical Analysis of Stocks amp Commodities magazine. 100 (14 - (( If (Ref (L,-1) LLV( L ,14 ) ,1. If ( Ref (L ,-2 ) LLV ( L,14 ) ,2. If ( Ref (L ,- 3 ) LLV( L,14 ) ,3,If ( Ref (L ,-4 ) LLV ( L ,14 ) ,4,If (Ref ( L ,-5 ) LLV ( L ,14 ) ,5,If (Ref (L ,-6 ) LLV( L,14 ) ,6,If ( Ref (L ,-7 ) LLV ( L,14 ) ,7,If (Ref ( L ,-8 ) LLV ( L ,14 ) ,8,If (Ref( L ,-9 ) LLV( L,14 ) ,9,If ( Ref (L,-10) LLV (L,14 ) ,10,If (Ref (L ,-11) LLV( L,14 ) ,11,If (Ref(L,-12 ) LLV(L ,14) ,12,If ( Ref (L,-13) LLV (L ,14 ) ,13,If ( Ref ( L,-14) LLV( L,14 ) ,14 ,0) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 14 MetaStock Formula - Breadth Thrust The Breadth Thrust indicator is a market momentum indicator developed by Dr. Martin Zweig. The Breadth Thrust is calculated by taking a 10-day exponential moving average of the advancing issues divided by the advancing plus declining issues. According to Dr. Zweig a Breadth Thrust occurs when, during a 10-day period, the Breadth Thrust indicator rises from below 40 percent to above 61.5 percent. A quotThrustquot indicates that the stock market has rapidly changed from an oversold condition to one of strength, but has not yet become overbought. Dr. Zweig also points out that there have only been 14 Breadth Thrusts since 1945. The average gain following these 14 Thrusts was 24.6 percent in an average time frame of 11 months. Dr. Zweig also points out that most bull markets begin with a Breadth Thrust. To plot the Market Breadth in MetaStock for Windows you will need to: Create a composite security of the Advancing Issues Declining Issues in The DownLoader. In MetaStock open a chart of the composite and a chart of the Advancing Issues. Tile the charts so you can see both of them on the screen. Drag the plot of the composite into the chart of the Advancing Issues. Create the custom indicator: mov( C P, 10, E ), then plot it on top of the plot of the composite (the composites plot will turn a purplish color ). If you get a flat line then it was not plotted directly on top of the composites plot. You can then right-click on the Breadth Thrust, select Breadth Thrust Properties, go to the Horizontal Lines page and add horizontal lines at 40 and 60. MetaStock Formula - Candlecode Bdy:Abs(O-C) Lshd:If(CgtO, O-L, C-L) Ushd:If(CgtO, H-C, H-O) ThBotB:BBandBot(Bdy,55,E,0.5) ThTopB:BBandTop(Bdy,55,E,0.5) ThBotL:BBandBot(Lshd,55,E,0.5) ThTopL:BBandTop(Lshd,55,E,0.5) ThBotU:BBandBot(Ushd,55,E,0.5) ThTopU:BBandTop(Ushd,55,E,0.5) CCode:If(CO,1,0)If(UshdgtLshd,64,48)If(CO,0,1)(If(CgtO,1,0)(If(BdyltThBotB,80,0)If(BdygtThBotB AND BdyltThTopB,96,0) If(BdygtThTopB,112,0)) If(CltO,1,0)(If(BdyltThBotB,32,0) If(BdygtThBotB AND BdyltThTopB,16,0)))(If(Lshd0,3,0) If(LshdltThBotL AND Lshdgt0,2,0) If(LshdgtThBotL AND LshdltThTopL AND Lshdgt0,1,0))(If(Ushdgt0 AND UshdltThBotU,4,0) If(UshdgtThbotU AND UshdltThTopU,8,0) If(UshdgtThTopU,12,0)) CCode MetaStock Formula - Candle Strength Index Cum(If(Fml( quotTodays Changequot ) gt Mov(Fml( quotTodays Changequot ),7,E) AND C gt Ref(C,-1), C V, If(Fml( quotTodays Changequot ) lt Mov(Fml( quotTodays Changequot ),7,E) AND C lt Ref(C,-1), Neg(C V) ,0))) Where Fml( quotTodays Changequot ) c - ref(c,-1) Comparitive Relative Strength in MetaStock for Windows Comparative Relative Strength charts can be useful in deciding which security to buy, by helping to pinpoint the best performer. They can also be useful in developing spreads, i. e. purchase of the best performer quotlongquot, and selling the weaker issues quotshort. quot Comparative Relative Strength can be applied in MetaStock for Windows as follows: Creation of a Template for Comparative Relative Strength (For this illustration, we assume an equitystock is compared to the SampP 500, both of which must first have been collected from your vendor. Both data files should be in the same periodicity.) Load the SampP 500. Load the equity, or whatever you wish to find the relative strength for. Drag the SampP 500 plot into a new inner window of the equity. (You may need to click Stack first.) Close the SampP 500 chart. Create a custom indicator: Div(close, p) Drag the custom indicator into the inner window containing the SampP 500 plot, moving it over the plot until the plot changes to a pink or lavender color, then release your mouse button. (This is called dragging and dropping an indicator on an indicator. The new indicator will plot in the same window as the SampP 500 plot.) You have two options here: You can change the color of the SampP 500 plot to be the same as the chart background color, so that it is effectively invisible. (Double-click the SampP 500 plot to get to its quotpropertiesquot, then choose the color you need from the Colors list.) You can give both plots different colors so you can tell which is which. Save this chart as a Template. (FileSave As, set quotSave File As Typequot to Template, and give it a name, such as CMPRELST. MWT.) Any time you want to see Comparative Relative Strength of an equity against the SampP 500, apply this template to the equitys chart. Note: if you should move the data file against which you are comparing, such as the SampP 500, this template will no longer work, and would have to be recreated. To Run an Exploration Using Comparative Relative Strength Load the SampP 500 (or whatever you want to compare against). Create a custom indicator of the Close. Drag and drop this indicator on the SampP 500 (or whatever. ). (Note: the SampP 500 plot must change to pinklavender color before you drop it.) The indicator will plot. Select the indicator plot (by single-clicking with the left mouse button on the line). Do an Exploration with DIV(Close, p) in column A, and specify which directory to explore. The results are displayed in the Exploration report. (P is a special variable that points at the last indicator plotted or selected.) MetaStock Formula - Confidence (Sum(Mov(C (2.5 Sqrt(50 V)),10,S)- LLV(Mov(C (2.5 Sqrt(50 V)),10,S),5), 3 ) Sum(HHV(Mov(C (2.5 Sqrt(50 V)),10,S),5) - LLV(Mov(C (2.5 Sqrt(50 V)),10,S),5), 3) ) 100 MetaStock Indicator - Coppock Curve The Coppock Curve was developed by Edwin Sedgwick Coppock in 1962. It was featured in the November 94 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks amp Commodities . in the article quot The Coppock Curvequot . written by Elliot Middleton. Taken from Stocks amp Commodities, V. 12:11 (459-462): The Coppock Curve by Elliott Middleton quotWe are creatures of habit. We judge the world relative to what we have experienced. If were shopping for a mortgage and rates have been in the teens (as they were in the early 1980s) and then drop to 10, we are elated. If, however, theyve been at 8 and then rise to 10, we are disappointed. It all depends on your perspective. The principle of adaptation-level applies to how we judge our income levels, stock prices and virtually every other variable in our lives. Psychologically, relativity prevails. The moving average is the simplest form of adaptation-level. Moving average crossover rules accurately signal the onset of periods of returns outside the norm, whether positive or negative. This makes moving average crossovers useful to traders who want to get a boost on entering or exiting stocks or funds. The oscillator is also based on adaptation-level, although in a slightly different way. Oscillators generally begin by calculating a percentage change of current price from some previous price, where the previous price is the adaptation-level or reference point. The mind is attuned to percentage changes because they represent returns. If you bought Microsoft Corp. stock (MSFT) at 50 and it goes to 80, you make 60 before dividends. If you bought Berkshire Hathaway (BRK) at 4,000 and it rises to 4,030, the same dollar gain, you make 0.75 before dividends. Its the percentage change that counts. Relativity again. Coppock reasoned that the markets emotional state could be determined by adding up the percentage changes over the recent past to get a sense of the markets momentum (and oscillators are generally momentum indicators ). So if we compare prices relative to a year ago - which happens to be the most common interval - and we see that this month the market is up 15 over a year ago, last month it was up 12.5 over a year ago, and 10, 7.5 and 5, respectively, the months before that, then we may judge that the market is gaining momentum and, like a trader watching for the upward crossover of the moving average, we may jump into the market. quot The MetaStock formula for the Coppock Curve is: where X is the number of Time Periods for the Oscillator and T X 2 1. For example, a 20 period DPO would be: X 20 T (202 1) 11 Close-Ref( Mov(Close, 20, Simple),11) MetaStock Indicator - Disparity Index Steve Nison refers to the his Disparity Index quotas a percentage display of the latest close to a chosen moving averagequot. This can be defined in MetaStock using the formula: ( ( C - Mov( C, X. ) ) Mov( C, X. ) ) 100 where X is the number of time periods and. is the calculation type of the moving average. ( ( C - Mov( C ,13,E ) ) Mov( C ,13,E ) ) 100 where X 13 time periods and. Exponential moving average. MetaStock Indicator - Displaying the Price of a Security in 32nds and 64ths All versions of MetaStock prior to our Windows software would need this formula. You can display your securitys prices in 32nds and 64ths, by using the following custom formulas. Once plotted these values will be displayed in the indicator window. INT( C ) ( ( FRAC( C ) .03125 ) 100 ) INT( C ) ( ( FRAC( C ) .015625 ) 100 ) Where C is for the securitys closing price and can be replaced with O, H, or L for the open, high, or low price instead. MetaStock Indicator - Divergence Between the Close and an Indicator The following formula will calculate the correlation of the Close and the MACD. It is written using a quotlong formquot MACD so that the time periods used by the MACD may be changed. This indicator shows quotdivergencequot between the close and the indicator: In the Windows versions of MetaStock the formula is: Correl(((Sum(Cum(1)(Mov(C,12,E)-Mov(C,26,E)),100))-(Sum(Cum(1),100) Sum((Mov(C,12,E)-Mov(C,26,E)),100)100))((Sum(Power(Cum(1),2),100))- (Power(Sum(Cum(1),100),2)100)),((Sum(Cum(1)C,100))-(Sum(Cum(1),100) Sum(C,100)100))((Sum(Power(Cum(1),2),100))-(Power(Sum(Cum(1),100),2)100)),12,0) The interpretation of the indicator output is as follows: - .08 (80) and lower is divergence between the Close and the MACD. - 1 is very strong divergence. 1 is very strong correlation. The formula was constructed this way so that most other indicators may be used in place of the MACD. For example here is the same indicator using the RSI(14): Correl(((Sum(Cum(1)(RSI(14)),100))-(Sum(Cum(1),100) Sum((RSI(14)),100)100))((Sum(Power(Cum(1),2),100))-(Power(Sum(Cum(1),100),2)100)), ((Sum(Cum(1)C,100))-(Sum(Cum(1),100)Sum(C,100)100))((Sum(Power(Cum(1),2),100))- (Power(Sum(Cum(1),100),2)100)),12,0) MetaStock Indicator - Dynamic Momentum Oscillator In July 1996 Futures magazine, E. Marshall Wall introduces the Dynamic Momentum Oscillator (Dynamo). Please refer to this article for interpretation. He describes the Dynamo Oscillator to be: Dynamo Mc - ( MAo - O ) where Mc the midpoint of the oscillator MAo a moving average of the oscillator O the oscillator This concept can be applied to most any oscillator to improve its results. Applying the Dynamo Oscillator to a 5-period K slowed 3 periods Stochastic Oscillator would give: where: Mc Stochastic Oscillators midpoint 50 MAo Moving average of the Stochastic Mov(Stoch(5,3),21,S O Stochastic Oscillator Stoch(5,3) This example applies it to an RSI oscillator: where: Mc RSIs midpoint 50 MAo Moving average of the RSI Mov(RSI(14),21,S O RSI Oscillator RSI(14) MetaStock Indicator - Elliot Oscillator MetaStock Indicator - End Point Moving Average The End Point Moving Average was introduced in the October 95 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks amp Commodities in the article quot The End Point Moving Averagequot . by Patrick E. Lafferty. The exact formula for the End Point Moving average is as follows: ( 14 Sum( Cum( 1 ) C,14 ) - Sum( Cum( 1 ),14) Sum( C,14) ) (14 Sum( Pwr( Cum( 1 ),2),14 ) - Pwr( Sum( Cum( 1 ),14 ),2 ) ) Cum( 1 ) (Mov(C,14,S) - Mov( Cum( 1 ),14,S) (14 Sum( Cum( 1 ) C,14) - Sum( Cum( 1 ),14 ) Sum( C,14) ) (14 Sum( Pwr( Cum( 1 ),2 ),14) - Pwr( Sum( Cum( 1 ),14 ),2 ) ) ) The above formula plots the last value of a linear regression line of the previous 14 periods. The Time Series Forecast takes this value and the slope of the regression line to forecast the next day and then plots this forecasted price as todays value. Please note the above formula is using 14 regression periods. If you desire to use different time periods you must change all instances of the number 14 to the desired number of time periods. For interpretation refer to Mr. Laffertys article. MetaStock Indicator - End Points of a Linear Regression with Standard Deviations In MetaStock 5.x for Windows there is a way to plot the end points of a linear regression line with channels - 2 Standard Deviations. Here are the three formulas: Linear Regression (14): (14 Sum(Cum(1) C,14) - Sum(Cum(1),14) Sum(C,14)) (14 Sum(Pwr(Cum(1),2),14) - Pwr(Sum(Cum(1),14),2)) Cum(1) (Mov(C,14,S) - Mov(Cum(1),14,S) (14 Sum(Cum(1) C,14) - Sum(Cum(1),14) Sum(C,14))(14 Sum(Pwr(Cum(1),2),14) - Pwr(Sum(Cum(1),14),2))) Linear Regression Lower Band: Fml( quotLinear Regression (14)quot ) - 2 Stdev( Fml( quotLinear Regression (14)quot ) ,14) Linear Regression Upper: Fml( quotLinear Regression (14)quot ) 2 Stdev( Fml( quotLinear Regression (14)quot ) ,14) MetaStock Indicator - Plotting Alpha and Beta To plot Alpha and Beta in MetaStock follow the steps below. The custom indicator named Beta is required to plot Alpha. In the Windows versions of MetaStock: To plot Alpha: Create the custom formulas Alpha and Beta (see below for formula syntax). Open a chart of the desired security. Drag the price plot of the index you are comparing, into the chart of the security and close the chart of the index. Maximize the security chart if needed. Drag the custom indicator Alpha from the Quick List and drop it onto the price plot of the index. The index plot will turn a purplish color when you are plotting on top of it. Note, this formula is set to calculate Alpha over 21 periods. To change the time periods replace each instance of 21 in the formula with the desired number of periods and also change the time periods in the Beta custom indicator. ( Sum( ROC( CLOSE ,1 , ) ,21 ) - ( Fml( quotBetaquot ) Sum( ROC( INDICATOR,1,) ,21 ) ) ) 21 To plot Beta: Open a chart of the desired security. Drag the price plot of the index your comparing, into the chart of the security. Drag this custom indicator from the Quick List and drop it onto the price plot of the index. Note, this formula is set to calculate beta over 21 periods. To change the time periods replace each instance of 21 in the formula with the desired number of periods. ( ( 21 Sum( ROC( CLOSE ,1 , ) ROC( INDICATOR ,1 , ) ,21 ) ) - ( Sum( ROC( CLOSE ,1 , ) ,21) Sum( ROC( INDICATOR ,1 , ) ,21 ) ) ) ( (21 Sum( Pwr( ROC( INDICATOR ,1 , ) ,2 ) ,21 )) - Pwr( Sum( ROC( INDICATOR ,1 , ) ,21 ) ,2 )) Beta is a measure of volatility of one security against another. This is typically used to measure the volatility of a stock against an index like the SampP 500. A value greater than one indicates the stock is more volatile than the index. MetaStock Indicator - Polarized Fractual Efficiency The January 1994 issue of Stocks amp Commodities featured an article by Hans Hannula on Polarized Fractual Efficiency. Here is the custom formula for creating the five-period smoothed 10-day PFE using MetaStock: Mov(If(C, gt, Ref(C,-9),Sqr(Pwr(Roc(C,9,),2) Pwr(10,2)) Sum(Sqr(Pwr(Roc(C,1,),2)1),9),- Sqr(Pwr(Roc(C,9,),2) Pwr(10,2)) Sum(Sqr(Pwr(Roc(C,1,),2)1),9))100,5,E) MetaStock - Price Action Indicator (PAIN) If you were only given todays open, high, low and close, how could you make heads or tails of it The Price Action Indicator (PAIN) can help. The formula returns a single value that weighs intra-day momentum (C-O), Late Selling Pressure (LSP) (C-L), and Late Buying Pressure (LBP) (C-H). The formula is proven by constructing ideal limit-up and limit down scenarios in bond futures. The output is shown to be consistent with the interpretation of Japanese candlestick patterns. See Michael B. Geraty (1997). quotGetting Better Directionsquot Futures Vol. 26: Aug. MetaStock Indicator - Price Oscillator Wave MetaStock Indicator - Price Volume Rank Taken from Stocks amp Commodities, V. 12:6 (235-239): Price-Volume Rank by Anthony J. Macek quotImagine receiving a warning when the market was likely to collapse or being alerted when one of your favorite stocks was about to rally. What if these signals came from analysis that was simple enough to do without a computer and took only a few minutes a day to update, using just two pieces of information found in virtually any newspaper Is this a dream Maybe not. Anthony Macek explains. The old adage about keeping things simple applies even to the investment world. Methods of analysis such as polarized fractal efficiency and price oscillator divergences do a great job, but for those with neither the time nor the inclination to master the techniques necessary to monitor every blip and sputter that the market produces may be served just as well by noting only two very important market variables: price and volume. quot For interpretation refer to the June 94 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks amp Commodities . You need to create all of the following custom formulas in order for the PV Rank to calculate properly. P-V Rank: Fml( quotPV1quot ) Fml( quotPV2quot ) PV1: If( C, gt, Ref( C ,-1 ),If( V, gt, Ref( V ,-1 ) ,1,If( V, lt, Ref(V ,-1 ) ,2 ,0 ) ) ,0 ) PV2: If( C, lt, Ref( C ,-1 ),If( V, lt, Ref( V ,-1 ) ,3,If( V, gt, Ref( V ,-1 ) ,4 ,0 ) ) ,0 ) PV Biggie: (This combines all formulas into one formula) If( C, gt, Ref( C ,-1 ),If( V, gt, Ref( V ,-1 ) ,1,If( V, lt, Ref( V ,-1 ) ,2 ,0 ) ),If( C, lt, Ref( C ,-1 ),If( V, lt, Ref( V ,-1 ) ,3,If( V, gt, Ref( V ,-1 ) ,4 ,0 ) ) ,0 ) ) MetaStock Indicator - Price Volume Trend Stochastic The following formulas, for the Random Walk Index, were constructed using information from the article quotAre There Persistent Cyclesquot . by E. Michael Poulos, in the September 1992 TASC. All formulas are needed. Random Walk Index: Max( ( Ref(HIGH,-1) - LOW ) ( ( Ref(Sum (Atr ( 1 ) ,2 ),-1) 2) Sqrt( 2 ) ),Max( (Ref(HIGH,-2) - LOW) ( ( Ref(Sum (Atr ( 1 ),3),-1) 3) Sqrt( 3 ) ), Max( (Ref(HIGH,-3) - LOW) ( (Ref(Sum (Atr( 1 ) ,4) ,-1) 4) Sqrt( 4 ) ). Max( ( Ref( HIGH,-4) - LOW) ( (Ref(Sum(Atr( 1 ),5),-1) 5) Sqrt( 5 ) ), Max( (Ref(HIGH,-5) - LOW) ( (Ref( Sum( Atr ( 1 ),6),-1) 6 ) Sqrt( 6 ) ), Max( ( Ref(HIGH,-6) - LOW) ( (Ref( Sum( Atr( 1 ),7),-1) 7) Sqrt( 7 ) ), Max((Ref(HIGH,-7)-LOW) ( (Ref(Sum (Atr( 1 ),8),-1) 8) Sqrt(8) ), (Ref(HIGH,-8)-LOW) ( (Ref(Sum (Atr (1),9),-1) 9) Sqrt( 9 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) MetaStock Formula - Rate of Change Since a Specific Date The following formula plots a percent rate of change between a specific date and today. The user is prompted for the specific date. This will only work in MetaStock for Windows 95NT version 6.5 (or higher) or in MetaStock Professional. Construct the formula in the Indicator Builder, giving it the name shown below in bold. All the text after quotFORMULA:quot and before quotEND OF FORMULAquot below should be placed in the Formula field in the Indicator Builder. Once the indicator has been created, you can drag it out of the Indicator Quicklist for placement in an inner-window of your chart. NAME: ROC Since a Date Day1 : Input(quotDayquot,1,31,4) Month1 : Input(quotMonthquot,1,12,1) Year1 : Input(quotYearquot,1900,2400,1999) 100 (CLOSE - ValueWhen(1,DayOfMonth() Day1 AND Month() Month1 AND Year() Year1, CLOSE)) ValueWhen(1,DayOfMonth() Day1 AND Month() Month1 AND Year() Year1,CLOSE) MetaStock Indicator - Recursive Moving Trend Average MetaStock Indicator - Regression Oscillator and SlopeClose Indicator In MetaStock 6.0 its easy to create the Regression Oscillator and the SlopeClose Indicator from Richard Goeddes article, quotMarket timing with the regression oscillatorquot, which appears in the March 97 issue of Technical Analysis Stocks and Commodities magazine . First choose Indicator Builder from the Tools menu and enter the following formulas: Regression Oscillator 100 (CLOSE LinearReg(CLOSE,63)-1) SlopeClose 10000 LinRegSlope(CLOSE,63)CLOSE Next drag each of these formulas from the Indicator QuickList and drop them on the heading of a chart. To create horizontal lines, click the right mouse button while the mouse pointer is positioned over the Regression Oscillator to display the shortcut menu. Choose Regression Oscillator Properties. On the Horizontal lines page add horizontal lines at 14, 0, and -14. You can use The Explorer to perform the screen mentioned in the article. First choose The Explorer from the Tools menu, next create a new Exploration with the following information: Column A Name: Reg Osc Formula: Fml(quotRegression Oscillatorquot) Column B Name: SlpCls Formula: Fml(quotSlopeClosequot) Filter Formula: ColB gt 50 and ColA gt-15 and ColA lt -5 Choose OK and then Explore to run the Exploration. For MetaStock for Windows 5.x users the instructions are the same except enter the following custom indicator in place the ones mentioned earlier. Regression Oscillator 100 (CLOSE ((63 Sum(Cum(1) C,63) - Sum(Cum(1),63) Sum(C,63)) (63 Sum(Pwr(Cum(1),2),63) - Pwr(Sum(Cum(1),63),2)) Cum(1) (Mov(C,63,S) - Mov(Cum(1),63,S) (63 Sum(Cum(1) C,63) - Sum(Cum(1),63) Sum(C,63)) (63 Sum(Pwr(Cum(1),2),63) - Pwr(Sum(Cum(1),63),2))))-1) SlopeClose 10000 ((63 Sum(Cum(1) C,63) - Sum(Cum(1),63) Sum(C,63)) (63 Sum(Pwr(Cum(1),2),63) - Pwr(Sum(Cum(1),63),2)))CLOSE MetaStock Indicator - Relative Strength Index (RSI) Custom This custom RSI will allow you to select which price data to use when you plot it. The standard RSI uses the close value as Welles Wilder did when he created the indicator. This custom indicator will allow you to use the other price fields including volume. B:Input(quotField: 1Close, 2Open, 3High, 4Low, 5Volumequot,1,5,1) MetaStock Indicator - Relative Volatility Index (RVI) The following formulas were taken from the article quotThe relative volatility index, quot written by Dorsey, Donald, in the June 93 issue of Technical Analysis of STOCKS amp COMMODITIES. Taken from Stocks amp Commodities, V. 11:6 (253-256): The Relative Volatility Index by Donald Dorsey quotThe RVI is simply the relative strength index (RSI) with the standard deviation over the past 10 days used in place of daily price change. Because most indicators use price change for their calculations, we need a confirming indicator that uses a different measurement to interpret market strength. The RVI measures the direction of volatility on a scale of zero to 100. Readings above 50 indicate that the volatility as measured by the 10-day standard deviation of the closing prices is more to the upside. Readings below 50 indicate that the direction of volatility is to the downside. The initial testing indicates that the RVI can be used wherever you might use the RSI and in the same way, but the specific purpose of this study is to measure the RVIs performance as a confirming indicator. quot The RVI was designed to measure the direction of volatility. It calculates price strength by measuring volatility rather than price change. All of the following formulas are required: For interpretation refer to the article quot Standard Error Bands quot, in the September 96 issue of TASC, written by Jon Anderson. 21 period Upper Band (smoothed): Mov((21 Sum(Cum(1) C,21) - Sum(Cum(1),21) Sum(C,21)) (21 Sum(Pwr(Cum(1),2),21) - Pwr(Sum(Cum(1),21),2)) Cum(1) (Mov(C,21,S) - Mov(Cum(1),21,S) (21 Sum(Cum(1) C,21) - Sum(Cum(1),21) Sum(C,21)) (21 Sum(Pwr(Cum(1),2),21) - Pwr(Sum(Cum(1),21),2))) 2(Sqrt(((Sum(Power(C,2),21)-(Power(Sum(C,21),2)21)) -((Sum(Cum(1)C,21))-((Sum(Cum(1),21)Sum(C,21)21))) ((Sum(Power(Cum(1),2),21))-(Power(Sum(Cum(1),21),2)21)) ((Sum(Cum(1)C,21))-((Sum(Cum(1),21)Sum(C,21)21)))) 19)),3,S) 21 period Lower Band (smoothed): Mov((21 Sum(Cum(1) C,21) - Sum(Cum(1),21) Sum(C,21)) (21 Sum(Pwr(Cum(1),2),21) - Pwr(Sum(Cum(1),21),2)) Cum(1) (Mov(C,21,S) - Mov(Cum(1),21,S) (21 Sum(Cum(1) C,21) - Sum(Cum(1),21) Sum(C,21)) (21 Sum(Pwr(Cum(1),2),21) - Pwr(Sum(Cum(1),21),2))) - 2(Sqrt(((Sum(Power(C,2),21)-(Power(Sum(C,21),2)21)) -((Sum(Cum(1)C,21))- ((Sum(Cum(1),21) Sum(C,21)21))) ((Sum(Power(Cum (1),2),21))-(Power(Sum(Cum(1),21),2)21))((Sum(Cum(1)C,21))- ((Sum(Cum(1),21)Sum(C,21)21)))) 19)),3,S) MetaStock Indicator - Support and Resistance Think of security prices as the result of a head-to-head battle between a bull (the buyer) and a bear (the seller). The bulls push prices higher and the bears push prices lower. The direction prices actually move reveals who is winning the battle. Support levels indicate the price where the majority of investors believe that prices will move higher, and resistance levels indicate the price at which a majority of investors feel prices will move lower. To create the Support and Resistance indicator in MetaStock use the following custom formula: LookBack : Input(quotLook Back Periodsquot,1,1000,10) Resistance :ValueWhen(1,Cross(Mov(C, LookBack, S),C),HHV(H, LookBack)) Support :ValueWhen(1,Cross(C, Mov(C, LookBack, S)),LLV(L, LookBack)) Resistance Support To use this formula most effectively, use the parameters dialogue to change the style to a dotted line while increasing the line weighting. MetaStock Indicator - The New Advance Decline Line The formulas and steps necessary to do the New Advance - Decline Line from the September 1994 Technical Analysis of Stocks amp Commodities . page 14 by Daniel Downing are: Taken from Stocks amp Commodities, V. 12:9 (363-365): A New Advance-Decline Line by Daniel E. Downing quotHeres a trading tool that uses a unique version of the daily advance-decline line of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). This version helps in our short - and long-term trading of index options and stock index futures. It gives many good short-term trading signals and excellent but infrequent longer-term signals The philosophy behind this tool is that the short-term traders capital is finite and that traders have to reliquify their holdings after a period. Traders can buy and try to push the equities higher only so many times before they need to reliquify, just as only a finite amount of selling waves can take place before the sellers are out of supplies. A tool that points to when short-term traders need to reliquify their positions will also spot when the markets will soon reverse their trends. quot For the Windows versions of MetaStock: Load the advances Load the declines Drag the plot of the advances into the chart of the declines Plot the following custom formula directly on the plot of advances. Cum( If( P, gt ,1000,If(C, lt ,1000. 1 ,0 ),If( C, gt ,1000 ,-1 ,0 ) ) ) MetaStock Indicator - Tick Line Momentum Oscillator In his article quotUsing The Tick In A Short-Term Indicatorquot . in the January 94 issue of TASC . Daniel E. Downing presents the Tick Line Momentum Oscillator. Taken from Stocks amp Commodities, V. 12:1 (42-44): Using The Tick In A Short-Term Indicator by Daniel E. Downing quotThe tick index, the net difference of the numbers of stocks last traded on an uptick from those last traded on a downtick. is a well-known indicator, but its got a problem. The raw number result is volatile, perhaps too volatile for some. What to do here, then, is a way to smooth out the noise to identify short-term trading opportunities. The tick is a basic unit for the markets, watched with fascination during periods of turmoil and periods of enthusiasm. It is quoted throughout the day on most quote services. In addition, the closing tick value can be found on the market statistics pages of financial newspapers such as Barrons and The Wall Street Journal. Let me present, then, the tick line momentum oscillator, which is based on the closing value for the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) tick indicator. The oscillator has been shown to have a good track record of determining when the NYSE is overbought or oversold on a short-term basis. The formula for the tick line momentum oscillator is simple and can be easily calculated without a computer, although a spreadsheet version can be found in the sidebar, quotTick line momentum. quot Finally, the oscillator is straightforward and simple to apply. quot The MetaStock formula for the Tick Line Momentum Oscillator is: Mov( ROC( Cum( If( C, gt, Ref( Mov(C ,10,E ) ,-1 ) ,1,If( C, lt, Ref( Mov( C ,10,E ) ,-1 ) ,- 1 ,0 ) ) ) ,5 , ) ,5,E ) For interpretation refer to Mr. Downings article. MetaStock Index - Trading Channel Index The Trading Channel Index comes from an early version of AIQs Stock Expert program. quotThe Trading Channel Index measures the location of average daily price relative to a smoothed average of average daily price. It is derived from the average difference between these two values. quot To create the Trading Channel Index in MetaStock create the following custom formulas: AP: Average price ( H L C ) 3 ESA: Smoothed price average Mov( Fml( quotAPquot ) ,10,E ) ( Mov( Ref( Fml( quotAPquot ) ,-1 ) ,10,E ) ) D: Price range estimate Mov( ( Fml( quotAPquot ) - Fml( quotESAquot ) ) ,10,E ) ( Mov( Ref( Fml( quotAPquot ) - Fml( quotESAquot ) ,-1 ) ,10,E ) ) CI: Channel index ( ( Fml( quotAPquot ) - Fml( quotESAquot ) ) ( 0.015 Fml( quotDquot ) ) ) TRADING CHANEL INDEX: Mov( Fml( quotCIquot ) ,21,E ) ( Mov( Ref( Fml( quotCIquot ) ,-1 ) ,21,E ) ) MetaStock Indicator - Trending Banding Mov(C,2,S)gt Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S) AND Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S)gt Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S) AND Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S)gt Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S) AND Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S)gt Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S) AND Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S)gt Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S) AND Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S)gt Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S) AND Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S)gt Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S) AND Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S)gt Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S)ANDMov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S)gt Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S) MetaStock Indicator - Trendline Formula MetaStock Formula - Freeburg Precious Metal Switch Fund System To create the Freeburg Precious Metal Switch Fund system in MetaStock for Windows, you must first create the K ratio as a composite security. To do this, launch The Downloader from MetaStock, and choose New and then Composite from The Downloaders File menu. Make sure the directory specified is the directory where your weekly GMI and Handy and Harman data are located. Name the composite the K ratio, then choose the Barrons Gold Mining Index as the Primary symbol and Handy and Harman prices as the secondary symbol. Next, choose Divide as the Operator and the click the OK button to add the composite. Open the K ratio chart in MetaStock, Plot the Bollinger Bands Indicator and enter 46 for the number of periods and 2.3 for the standard deviations. Plot Bollinger Bands again and enter 4 for the periods and 1.6 for the Standard Deviations. Your chart should look like the one in Figure. You can also create this system in MetaStock for Dos with the same steps. The data necessary for this chartindicator, is extremely difficult to obtain. The only source we are aware of on diskette is the author of the article. The data is in a Lotus spreadsheet. It must be output to ASCII and then converted to MetaStock data files. He will make a small charge for this data. To keep the GMI data updated, it is only available from Barrons magazine and must be manually input. The Handy amp Harman data must also be manually updated. This may be obtained from the Wall Street Journal as well. MetaStock Formula - Rainbow Charts To create Rainbow Charts in MetaStock for Windows, open any chart, drop the moving average indicator from the Indicator QuickList, and drop it in the same inner windows as the price bars. Enter two for the Periods and simple for the Method. Next plot a second moving average on the first moving average by dragging a moving average from the QuickList and dropping it on the first moving average (Note: The first moving average should turn light purple before you release the mouse button). If you dropped it correctly the Parameters dialog should say Indicator for the Price Field. Click OK to accept two periods and simple as the parameters. Change the color of this moving average as desired. Now plot a third moving average of the second moving average by repeating these steps. Continue this until you have ten moving averages. Choose Yes if MetaStock prompts you about plotting a duplicate indicator. Next choose Indicator Builder from the Tools menu and enter the following formulas. Max(Mov(C,2,S), Max(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S), Max(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S), Max(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S), Max(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S), Max(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S), Max(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S), Max(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S), Max(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S), Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S)))))))))) Min(Mov(C,2,S), Min(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S), Min(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S), Min(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S), Min(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S), Min(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S), Min(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S), Min(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S), Min(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S), Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S)))))))))) 100 (CLOSE - ((Mov(C,2,S) Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S) Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S) Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S) Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S) Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S) Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S) Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S) Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S) Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(Mov(C,2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S),2,S)) 10))(HHV(C,10)-LLV(C,10)) -100 (Fml(quotRainbow Maxquot) - Fml(quotRainbow Minquot)) (HHV(C,10) - LLV(C,10)) 100 (Fml(quotRainbow Maxquot) - Fml(quotRainbow Minquot)) (HHV(C,10) - LLV(C,10)) Plot the Rainbow Oscillator in a new inner window of your chart with the ten moving averages, by dropping the custom indicator from the QuickList onto the charts heading. Right click on the Rainbow Oscillator and choose properties, then change the Style to a histogram. Now plot the Lower Rainbow Band and the Upper Rainbow Band in the same inner window as the Rainbow Oscillator. If the scaling dialog appears when plotting these indicators, choose Merge with Scale on Right. Change the colors of the Upper and Lower Rainbow Bands as desired. Now save this as a new template by choosing Save As from the File Menu and changing the File Type to template, so you can easily apply it to any chart. MetaStock Formula - Fibonacci Ratios and Momentum In MetaStock for Windows, you can establish Fibonacci Retracement levels as outlined in the November 1997 TASC article quotUsing Fibonacci Ratios and Momentumquot by Thom Hartle by first creating an Expert in the Expert Advisor. To do this, choose Expert Advisor from the Tools menu and then choose New. Enter the following Expert Highlights and Expert Symbols into your Expert. Fibonacci Ratios and Momentum Condition: RSI(14) gt 50 Label: Isolated High Note: If the Symbol labels make the chart too busy you may want to shorten the label (e. g. change Isolated High to IH). Next, close the Expert Advisor, open any chart, and then click the right-mouse button on the charts heading. Choose Expert Advisor and then Attach from the Chart Shortcut Menu. You can now choose Fibonacci Retracement from the Insert menu, and then drag from one isolated extreme to another. In MetaStock 6.5 you should right-click on the Fibonacci Retracement lines and choose properties. Check the Snap to Price checkbox so the Retracement lines will automatically snap to the high and low prices. If you followed these steps correctly, your chart should look like the chart below MetaStock Formula - Volatility Indicator You can easily create the Volatility Indicator from William Browers article in MetaStock for Windows. First choose Indicator Builder from the Tools menu in MetaStock. Next choose New and enter one of the following formulas: Formula for MetaStock Lookback : Input(quotTime Periodsquot,1,1000,50) HighVolatility : Input(quotHigh Volatility quot,.01,100,3) 100 Sum(100 ATR(1)CLOSE gt HighVolatility, Lookback)Lookback Formula for earlier versions of MetaStock for Windows 100 Sum(100 ATR(1)CLOSE gt 3, 50)50 Now drag the Volatility from the Indicator QuickList and drop it on the desired chart. Allan McNichol Equis International MetaStock Formula - Breaking out of Price Channels Breaking out of Price Channels, by Gerald Marisch, quotTechnical Analysis of Stocks amp Commoditiesquot, January 1998, page 93. quotHeres a technique based upon Tushar Chandes variable-length moving average. The indicator is more responsive to market price movements than a conventional simple or exponential moving average, and can be used for position trading. quot The following formula will match the authors slight modification to the variable moving average: VIDYA 21,5 Indicator MetaStock Formula - Smoothing Techniques for More Accurate Signals The following MetaStock formulas are from the 1998 January TASC article quot Smoothing Techniques for more Accurate Signalsquot . by Tim Tillson. Refer to his article for interpretation. quotMore sophisticated smoothing techniques can be used to determine market trend. Better trend recognition can be lead to more accurate trading signals. quot Periods:Input(quotPeriodsquot,2,63,11) Size:LastValue(Cum(1)) Start:LastValue(Ref(Mov(P, Periods, S),Periods-Size)) Cum(LinRegSlope(P, Periods))Start Periods:Input(quotPeriodsquot,1,63,5) a:Input(quotHotquot,0,2,.7) e1:Mov(P, Periods, E) e2:Mov(e1,Periods, E) e3:Mov(e2,Periods, E) e4:Mov(e3,Periods, E) e5:Mov(e4,Periods, E) e6:Mov(e5,Periods, E) c1:-aaa c2:3aa3aaa c3:-6aa-3a-3aaa c4:13aaaa3aa c1e6c2e5c3e4c4e3 MetaStock Formula - Anchored Momentum The four indicators in Rudy Stefenels article quotAnchored Momentumquot can be easily created in MetaStock. First, choose Indicator Builder from the Tools menu. If you have MetaStock 6.5 enter the following formulas: General Anchored Momentum w Exponential Smoothing MomPer : Input(quotMomentum Periodsquot,1,1000,10) SmaPer : Input(quotSimple Moving Average Periodsquot,1,1000,7) EmaPer : Input(quotExponential Moving Average Periodsquot,1,1000,7) 100 ((Mov(CLOSE, EMAPer, E) Ref(Mov(CLOSE, SmaPer, S), ((SmaPer - 1)2) MetaStock Formula - Double Tops and Double Bottoms In the February 1998 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks amp Commodities magazine, Thomas Bulkowski discusses the use of Double Bottoms as a means of finding profitable trades. In MetaStock for Windows, you can find both Double Tops and Double Bottoms with these formulas. There is a caveat however. In the article, Mr. Bulkowski utilizes the High-Low range in finding Double Bottoms. These formulas use only the close value, so a few of the lower priced issues will not produce signals in MetaStock. Overall, however, these formulas produce most of the major signals he discusses. PK:Zig(C,10,)ltRef(Zig(C,10,),-1) AND Ref(Zig(C,10,),-1)gtRef(Zig(C,10,),-2) TR:Zig(C,10,)gtRef(Zig(C,10,),-1) AND Ref(Zig(C,10,),-1)ltRef(Zig(C,10,),-2) (ValueWhen(1,PK, Ref(C,-1))ValueWhen(2,PK, Ref(C,-1))gt.96 AND ValueWhen(1,PK, Ref(C,-1)) ValueWhen(2,PK, Ref(C,-1))lt1.04) AND PK2-PK1gt10 AND Cross(ValueWhen(1,TR, Ref(C,-1)),C) PK:Zig(C,10,)ltRef(Zig(C,10,),-1) AND Ref(Zig(C,10,),-1)gtRef(Zig(C,10,),-2) TR:Zig(C,10,)gtRef(Zig(C,10,),-1) AND Ref(Zig(C,10,),-1)ltRef(Zig(C,10,),-2) (ValueWhen(1,TR, Ref(C,-1))ValueWhen(2,TR, Ref(C,-1))gt.96 AND ValueWhen(1,TR, Ref(C,-1)) ValueWhen(2,TR, Ref(C,-1))lt1.04) AND TR2-TR1gt10 AND Cross(C, ValueWhen(1,PK, Ref(C,-1))) MetaStock Formula - Adaptive Moving Average In MetaStock 6.5 you can easily create the Perry Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average system. With MetaStock 6.5 running, choose Indicator Builder from the Tools menu and then click on the New button. Enter the following formulas. Adaptive Moving Average Binary Wave Periods : Input(quotTime Periodsquot,1,1000, 10) Direction : CLOSE - Ref(Close,-periods) SSC : ER (FastSC - SlowSC) SlowSC AMA : If(Cum(1) periods 1, ref(Close,-1) constant (CLOSE - ref(Close,-1)),Prev constant (CLOSE - PREV)) FilterPercent : Input(quotFilter Percentagequot, 0,100,15)100 Filter : FilterPercent Std(AMA - Ref(AMA,-1),Periods) AMALow : If(AMA lt Ref(AMA,-1),AMA, PREV) AMAHigh : If(AMA gt Ref(AMA,-1),AMA, PREV) If(AMA - AMALow gt Filter, 1 , If(AMAHigh - AMA gt Filter, -1 , 0 )) AMA : If(Cum(1) periods 1, ref(Close,-1) constant (CLOSE - ref(Close,-1)),Prev constant (CLOSE - PREV)) If you want to see the Adaptive Moving Average, just plot it on any chart. If you want to see the buy and sell signals of the Adaptive Moving Average system plot the Adaptive Moving Average Binary wave. This binary wave plots a 1 when there is a buy signal, a 1 when there is a sell signal and a zero when there is no signal. MetaStock Formula - Automatic Support and Resistance Copied from Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities Magazine. This is in regards to an article on page 51 of the May 1998 issue. In my article quotAutomatic support and resistancequot in this issue, I present a computerized approach to finding support and resistance levels on a chart. To recreate the indicators and system described in my article using MetaStock for Windows, enter the following formulas: S1: IF(Ref(LOW,-4)LLV(LOW,9),Ref(LOW,-4),PREVIOUS) S2: IF(Fml(quotS1quot)Ref(Fml(quotS1quot),-1),PREVIOUS, Ref(Fml(quotS1quot),-1)) S3: IF(Fml(quotS1quot)Ref(Fml(quotS1quot),-1),PREVIOUS, Ref(Fml(quotS2quot),-1)) S4: IF(Fml(quotS1quot)Ref(Fml(quotS1quot),-1),PREVIOUS, Ref(Fml(quotS3quot),-1)) S5: IF(Fml(quotS1quot)Ref(Fml(quotS1quot),-1),PREVIOUS, Ref(Fml(quotS4quot),-1)) S6: IF(Fml(quotS1quot)Ref(Fml(quotS1quot),-1),PREVIOUS, Ref(Fml(quotS5quot),-1)) WSO: 100(1(Int(Fml(quotS1quot)CLOSE)Int(Fml(quotS2quot)CLOSE)Int(Fml(quotS3quot)CLOSE)Int(Fml(quotS4quot)CLOSE) Int(Fml(quotS5quot)CLOSE)Int(Fml(quotS6quot)CLOSE))6) R1: IF(Ref(HIGH,-4)HHV(HIGH,9),Ref(HIGH,-4),PREVIOUS) R2: IF(Fml(quotR1quot)Ref(Fml(quotR1quot),-1),PREVIOUS, Ref(Fml(quotR1quot),-1)) R3: IF(Fml(quotR1quot)Ref(Fml(quotR1quot),-1),PREVIOUS, Ref(Fml(quotR2quot),-1)) R4: IF(Fml(quotR1quot)Ref(Fml(quotR1quot),-1),PREVIOUS, Ref(Fml(quotR3quot),-1)) R5: IF(Fml(quotR1quot)Ref(Fml(quotR1quot),-1),PREVIOUS, Ref(Fml(quotR4quot),-1)) R6: IF(Fml(quotR1quot)Ref(Fml(quotR1quot),-1),PREVIOUS, Ref(Fml(quotR5quot),-1)) WRO: 100(1(Int(Fml(quotR1quot)CLOSE)Int(Fml(quotR2quot)CLOSE) Int(Fml(quotR3quot)CLOSE)Int(Fml(quotR4quot)CLOSE) Int(Fml(quotR5quot)CLOSE)Int(Fml(quotR6quot)CLOSE))6) The indicators S1 through S6 and R1 through R6 should be plotted as points and not as a continuous line. Trading System Formulas and Parameters: Enter long positions on either building support or sustained uptrend and exit position using stops. No short positions. Enter Long: Fml(quotWSOquot) gt Mov( Fml(quotWSOquot). 4. S ) OR Mov( Fml(quotWROquot). 30. S ) gt 95 Breakeven stop: Floor level at 2 Trailing stop: Profit risk of 10 Percent, ignoring 10 periods Maximum loss stop: Maximum loss of 7 Initial equity 1000, Long positions only, Trade price close, Trade delay 0, Entry commission 0, Exit commission 0. Interest rate 5, Margin req. 100 MetaStock Formula - Muted Variables, Volatility, and a New Market Paradigm Mutated Variables, Volatility and a New Market Paradigm by Walter T. Downs, Ph. D. In MetaStock for Windows 6.0 or higher, use the Expert Advisor to create highlights, which will show when contraction and expansion phases are present. First, choose Expert Advisor from the tools menu in MetaStock. Create a new Expert with the following highlights: Expert name: New Market Paradigm Highlights Name: Contraction Condition: BBandTop(CLOSE,28,SIMPLE,2)lt Ref(BBandTop(CLOSE,28,SIMPLE,2),-1) AND BBandBot(CLOSE,28,SIMPLE,2)gtRef(BBandBot(CLOSE,28,SIMPLE,2),-1) Color: Blue Name: Expansion Condition: BBandTop(CLOSE,28,SIMPLE,2)gt Ref(BBandTop(CLOSE,28,SIMPLE,2),-1) AND BBandBot(CLOSE,28,SIMPLE,2)ltRef(BBandBot(CLOSE,28,SIMPLE,2),-1) Color: Red Click OK to save the changes to the Expert. Open a chart and then click your right-mouse button while pointing at the chart heading. Choose Expert Advisor and then choose Attach from the chart shortcut menu. Choose the New Market Paradigm Expert and then click the OK button. The price bars in the chart will be highlighted blue during a contraction phase and red in an expansion phase. MetaStock Formula - Channel Analysis Channel Analysis, beginning on page 18 of the July 1998 Technical Analysis of Stocks amp Commodities Magazine Its quite easy to create the Trend Channels discussed in Thom Hartles Channel Analysis article in MetaStock for Windows. After opening a chart, you may want to zoom in a little to make it easier to draw the Trend Channels more precisely. You can do this by clicking on the quotquot button located on the Chart Toolbar at the bottom of the chart. Next you may want to identify the bars for the support or resistant points by drawing circles on the bars as Mr. Hartle did in the article, or you can use symbols from the symbol palette. Both can be chosen from the Drawing Toolbar which is on left side of the chart. After identifying the points to draw the trendline, click on the Trendline button, also located on the Drawing Toolbar, and draw the trendline between the closing prices of the two bars. If you are using MetaStock 6.5, you may want to right-click on the trendline, choose properties, and then check the Snap to Price checkbox. This will make the trendline line up exactly with the closing prices. To create the second trendline of the Trend Channel, right-click on the first trendline and choose Create Parallel Line. Drag this parallel line so it aligns with the highest high between the two support points or the lowest low between two resistance points. If desired, you can go to the properties of each of these trendlines and choose to extend the lines to the right. MetaStock Formula - A Volatility Trade in Gold quotA Volatility Trade In Goldquot by David S. Landry, CTA, Technical Analysis of Stocks amp Commodities, page 87. In this article the author gives formulas for three indicators MetaStock. The formulas as given will work in all versions of MetaStock. However, there is an error in the formula the author names Volatility 12 EMA. The formula should be: Mov((Fml(quotCONHV4quot) Fml(quotCONHV6quot) Fml(quotCONHV10quot))3,12,e) Here are formulas for version 6.5 of MetaStock for Windows. These formulas use Inputs which allow you to select the time periods when you plot the formulas. David Landry Historical Volatility Num:Input(quotNumber Of Periods For Numeratorquot,1,100,4) Den:Input(quotNumber Of Periods For Denominatorquot,2,1000,100) (Log(CRef(C,-1)),Num)Std(Log(CRef(C,-1)),Den) David Landry Average Historical Volatility Den:Input(quotNumber Of Periods For Denominatorquot,2,1000,100) ((Std(Log(CRef(C,-1)),4)Std(Log(CRef(C,-1)),Den))(Std(Log(CRef(C,-1)),6)Std(Log(CRef(C,-1)),Den))(Std(Log(CRef(C,-1)),10)Std(Log(CRef(C,-1)),Den)))3 David Landry EMA of Historical Volatility Den:Input(quotNumber Of Periods For Denominatorquot,2,1000,100) EMA:Input(quotNumber Of Periods For EMAquot,2,100,12) Mov(((Std(Log(CRef(C,-1)),4)Std(Log(CRef(C,-1)),Den))(Std(Log(CRef(C,-1)),6)Std(Log(CRef(C,-1)),Den))(Std(Log(CRef(C,-1)),10)Std(Log(CRef(C,-1)),Den)))3,LastValue(EMA),E) Note: Standard deviation information was not included here because the way these formulas are being used, any standard deviation being used would return an identical value as 1 standard deviation. MetaStock Formula - From Terms to Technical Tools In Walter Downs article quotFrom Terms To Technical Toolsquot he introduces the Point of Balance Oscillator, two conditions to color bars and two system tests. All of these can be created quite easily in MetaStock 6.5. To create the Point of Balance Oscillator, choose Indicator Builder from the Tools menu, click on the New button, and enter the following formula: Point of Balance Oscillator n : Input(quotTime Periodsquot,1,100,12)2 POBC1 : (HHV(CLOSE, n) LLV(CLOSE, n))2 POBC2 : (HHV(POBC1, n) LLV(POBC1,n))2 POBC3 : (HHV(POBC2, n) LLV(POBC2,n))2 POBC4 : (HHV(POBC3, n) LLV(POBC3,n))2 POBC5 : (HHV(POBC4, n) LLV(POBC4,n))2 POBC6 : (HHV(POBC5, n) LLV(POBC5,n))2 POBC7 : (HHV(POBC6, n) LLV(POBC6,n))2 POBC8 : (HHV(POBC7, n) LLV(POBC7,n))2 POBC9 : (HHV(POBC8, n) LLV(POBC8,n))2 POBC10 : (HHV(POBC9, n) LLV(POBC9,n))2 AV : (POBC1 POBC2 POBC3 POBC4 POBC5 POBC6 POBC7 POBC8 POBC9 POBC10) 10 POBCOsc : 100 ((CLOSE - AV) (HHV(CLOSE, 10)-LLV(CLOSE, 10))) To highlight bars based on the Bull Fear and Bear Fear conditions discussed in the article, choose Expert Advisor from the Tools menu, click on the New button and enter the following expert: Bull Fear and Bear Fear Expert HIGHLIGHTS Name: Bull Fear Condition: n : 12 BullFear : (HHV(HIGH, n) - LLV(HIGH, n))2 LLV(HIGH, n) CLOSE gt BullFear Color: Blue Name: Bear Fear Condition: n : 12 BearFear : (HHV(LOW, n) - LLV(LOW, n))2 LLV(LOW, n) CLOSE lt BearFear Color: Red To test the two systems discussed in the article, choose System Tester from the Tools menu and enter both of the following systems: Bull and Bear Fear System Test MetaStock Formula - Simple Moving Average with Resistance and Support In this issue, Dennis L. Tilley uses support and resistance to confirm price and SMA crossover signals in his article quotSimple Moving Average with Resistance and Supportquot. In MetaStock for Windows, you can easily recreate the SMARS Indicators discussed in Tilleys article. First, choose Indicator Builder from the Tools menu in MetaStock 6.5. Next, choose New and enter the following formulas: Resistance and Support LookBack : Input(quotLook Back Periodsquot,1,1000,10) Resistance :ValueWhen(1,Cross(Mov(C, LookBack, S),C),HHV(H, LookBack)) Support :ValueWhen(1,Cross(C, Mov(C, LookBack, S)),LLV(L, LookBack)) Resistance and Support F LookBack: Input(quotLook Back Periodsquot,1,1000,10) Note It is much easier to see the difference between the actual quotResistance and Supportquot lines and the quot Resistance and Support F quot lines if you change the color andor style of one of them. To Display the Indicators in MetaStock 6.5 Drag the quotMoving Averagequot indicator from the Indicator QuickList into the price window. Choose Simple as the method, enter the time periods and then click OK. Now, drag the quotResistance and Supportquot indicator from the QuickList into the price window. You will be prompted to enter the quotLook Backquot periods. You should select the same time periods you used with the quotMoving Averagequot. Finally, drag the quotResistance and Support Fquot indicator into the price window. You will be prompted to enter the quotPercentagequot and the quotLook Backquot periods. If you would like the indicator to be a 10 difference from the quotResistance and Supportquot line, you would enter 10. You should select the same time periods you used with the quotMoving Averagequot. Allan McNichol Equis International MetaStock Formulas - Combining Statistical and Pattern Analysis Shark 32 In MetaStock for Windows you can use the Expert Advisor to recreate the quotShark 32quot signals on your charts as discussed in Walter T. Downs article quotCombining Statistical and Pattern Analysisquot. First, choose Expert Advisor from the Tools menu in MetaStock 6.5. Next, choose New and enter the following formulas: Click the Name tab and enter quotShark 32quot in the Name field. Click the Trends tab and enter the following formulas in the Bullish and Bearish fields. Click the Highlights tab, choose New, and enter quot3 rd Barquot in the Name field. Now change the color in the Color field to Blue. Finally, enter the following formula in the Condition field, and then choose OK. Shark:If((HltRef(H,-1) AND LgtRef(L,-1) AND Ref(H,-1)ltRef(H,-2) AND Ref(L,-1)gtRef(L,-2))1,If(Apex lt (Ref(H,-2)-(WBSymmetry)) AND Apex gt (Ref(L,-2)(WBSymmetry)) ,1,0),0) Using the same method as above, enter the following 2 highlight formulas. Shark:If((HltRef(H,-1) AND LgtRef(L,-1) AND Ref(H,-1)ltRef(H,-2) AND Ref(L,-1)gtRef(L,-2))1,If(Apex lt (Ref(H,-2)-(WBSymmetry)) AND Apex gt (Ref(L,-2)(WBSymmetry)) ,1,0),0) Shark:If((HltRef(H,-1) AND LgtRef(L,-1) AND Ref(H,-1)ltRef(H,-2) AND Ref(L,-1)gtRef(L,-2))1,If(Apex lt (Ref(H,-2)-(WBSymmetry)) AND Apex gt (Ref(L,-2)(WBSymmetry)) ,1,0),0) Click the Symbols tab, choose New and enter quotShark Buyquot in the Name field. Now enter the following formula in the Condition field. Shark:If((HltRef(H,-1) AND LgtRef(L,-1) AND Ref(H,-1)ltRef(H,-2) AND Ref(L,-1)gtRef(L,-2))1,If(apex lt (Ref(H,-2)-(WBSymmetry)) AND Apex gt (Ref(L,-2)(WBSymmetry)) ,1,0),0) Buy: Buyok1 AND Ref(Chk,-1)0 AND ValidChk1 Click the Graphic tab. Change the symbol in the Graphic field to Buy Arrow. Now change the color in the Color field to Green. Finally, type quotBuyquot in the Label field, and then choose OK. Using the Same method as above, enter the following Symbol formula. Name: Shark Sell Shark:If((HltRef(H,-1) AND LgtRef(L,-1) AND Ref(H,-1)ltRef(H,-2) AND Ref(L,-1)gtRef(L,-2))1,If(apex lt (Ref(H,-2)-(WBSymmetry)) AND Apex gt (Ref(L,-2)(WBSymmetry)) ,1,0),0) Note The above ValidChk variable makes the Shark signal valid for 25 periods. If the price does not cross below the Low value of the base within 25 periods, you will not receive a signal. You can change the number of periods by changing 25 to the number of periods you desire. Sell: Sellok1 AND Ref(Chk,-1)0 AND ValidChk1 Symbol: Sell Arrow After you have finished creating the Symbol formulas, you can attach the Expert to your chart by choosing Expert Advisor from the Tools Menu. Select the Expert called quotShark 32quot from your list of Experts, choose Attach, and then Close. MetaStock Formula - Better Bollinger Bands In an article in Futures Magazine, October 1998, Dennis McNicholl describes the use of Bollinger Bands and provides a means of making them tighter when markets are trending. He calls them Better Bollinger Bands. Here is the formula for MetaStock 6.5 or higher. pds:Input(quotPeriodsquot,2,200,20) sd:Input(quotStandard Deviationsquot,.01,10,2) alpha:2(pds1) mt:alphaC(1-alpha)(If(Cum(1)ltpds, C,PREV)) ut:alphamt(1-alpha)(If(Cum(1)ltpds, C,PREV)) dt:((2-alpha)mt-ut)(1-alpha) mt2:alphaAbs(C-dt)(1-alpha)PREV ut2:alphamt2(1-alpha)PREV dt2:((2-alpha)mt2-ut2)(1-alpha) but:dtsddt2 blt:dt-sddt2 dt but blt MetaStock Formula - Dynamic Multiple Time Frames Here are the formulas described in the 1999 bonus issue of quotTechnical Analysis of Stocks amp Commoditiesquot magazine in the article quotDynamic Multiple Time Framesquot, p 45. All formulas are written to use daily data. The lines are plotted as described in the article, with the fixed lines only changing their values on the first day of each week. A sixth formula, Tendency, was added to indicate which way the price will tend to move, based on the relationship between the Friday close and the fixed balance point. This formula plots a value on Thursday and on Friday just in case Friday is a market holiday. On every trading week which includes Friday data, ignore the Thursday value. A value of 1 means prices will tend up first and a value of -1 means they will tend down Variables were used in places to simplify the formulas and to allow the referencing of certain values in formulas that plot multiple lines. Dynamic Balance Point Ref( HHV(H,5)LLV(L,5)C, -1)3 MetaStock Formula - quotHow Smooth is Your Data Smootherquot (Sine-Wave Weighted Moving Average) The article quotHow Smooth is Your Data Smootherquot, by Patrick E. Lafferty, reviews different types of moving averages, including a Sine-Weighted Moving Average. The Sine-Weighted Moving Average can easily be created in MetaStock 6.5 or higher. In MetaStock select the quotIndicator Builderquot from the quotToolsquot menu. In the Indicator Builder click quotNewquot and enter the name (shown below in Bold font) in the Name field. Then place the formula (all the text after quotFORMULA:quot and before quotEND OF FORMULAquot) in the Formula field in the Indicator Builder: NAME: Sine-Weighted Moving Average PI:3.1415926 SD:1806 S1:Sin(11806)C S2:Sin(21806)Ref(C,-1) S3:Sin(31806)Ref(C,-2) S4:Sin(41806)Ref(C,-3) S5:Sin(51806)Ref(C,-4) Num:S1S2S3S4S5 Den:Sin(SD)Sin(2SD)Sin(3SD)Sin(4SD)Sin(5SD) Next, click OK and Close out of the Indicator Builder. Open a chart and plot the new formula by dragging it from the Indicator QuickList or by using quotIndicatorsquot from the quotInsertquot menu. Formula by Cheryl Elton, Equis International Many securities, particularly futures, show a tendency to move in cyclical patterns. Price changes can often be anticipated at key cyclical intervals. Cycles allow us to accurately predict events in nature: bird migrations, the tides, planetary movements, etc. You can also use cycle analysis to predict changes in financial markets, although not always with the accuracy found in nature. We know that prices are a consensus of human expectations. These expectations are always changing, and causing prices to oscillate between overbought and oversold levels. Fluctuations in prices are a natural process of changing expectations and lead to cyclical patterns. An obvious example of a cyclical pattern is shown in a chart of a sine wave. Although security prices rarely move with this degree of predictability, even a quick glance at many security charts is enough to see evidence of some type of cyclical pattern. Cycle Line-Tools ermöglichen es Ihnen, gleichmäßig beabstandete vertikale Linien auf einem Diagramm zu platzieren. Since you can control the spacing between the cycle lines, you may be able to visually extrapolate the cycles evident in a plot. If you extend the right margin of a chart, the cycle lines will extend into the future. This can help you anticipate when the next peak or trough of a cycle may occur. Detrended Price Oscillator The Detrended Price Oscillator (DPO) is an indicator that attempts to eliminate the trend in prices. Detrended prices allow you to more easily identify cycles and overboughtoversold levels. The calculation is quite simple you simply center an x-period moving average by shifting it back x2 1 periods. This centered moving average is then subtracted from the close. The result is an oscillator that crosses above and below zero. Since the DPO is shifted back quotx2 1quot periods, the last quotx2 1quot periods will have no values. MetaStock Pro prompts you to enter the number of periods. The value entered should be the approximate length of the cycle you wish to identify. Cycles longer than the number of periods you enter will not be shown. The default value is 20. Long-term cycles are made up of a series of short-term cycles. Analyzing these shorter term components of the long-term cycles can be helpful in identifying major turning points in the longer term cycle. The DPO is helpful in recognizing the underlying cyclical components of the price action. Leonardo Fibonacci was an important mathematician who was born in Italy around the year 1170. It is rumored that Fibonacci discovered the relationship of what are now referred to as Fibonacci numbers while studying the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. Fibonacci numbers are a sequence of numbers in which each successive number is the sum of the two previous numbers: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, etc. These numbers possess an intriguing number of interrelationships, such as the fact that any given number is approximately 1.618 times the preceding number and any given number is approximately 0.618 times the following number. MetaStock Pro has four Fibonacci studies: arcs, fans, retracements, and time zones. The general interpretation of the Fibonacci studies involves the anticipation of a change in trend as prices near the lines created by the Fibonacci studies. Arcs The calculation and interpretation of Fibonacci Arcs is similar to that of Fibonacci Fan Lines. First, a trendline is drawn between two extreme points. MetaStock Pro then draws three arcs, centered on the second extreme point, that intersect the trendline drawn between the two extreme points at the Fibonacci levels of 38.2, 50.0, and 61.8. The interpretation of Fibonacci Arcs involves looking for, or anticipating, support and resistance as prices approach the arcs. A common technique is to display both Fibonacci Arcs and Fibonacci Fan Lines and to anticipate supportresistance at the points where the Fibonacci studies cross. The points where the Arcs cross the price data will vary depending on the scaling, because the Arcs are drawn so they always appear circular relative to the computer screen. Fans Fibonacci Fan Lines are displayed by first drawing a trendline between two extreme points. MetaStock Pro then draws an invisible vertical line through the second extreme point. This vertical line is then divided at the Fibonacci levels of 38.2, 50.0, and 61.8. Finally, three trendlines are drawn from the first extreme point so they pass through the invisible vertical line at the above three levels. (This technique is similar to the method used to calculate Speed Resistance Lines.) Retracements Fibonacci Retracements are displayed by first drawing a trendline between two extreme points (i. e. a significant trough and peak). After selecting Fibonacci Retracement from the Insert menu, a series of up to nine horizontal lines will be drawn at the Fibonacci levels of 0.0, 23.6, 38.2, 50.0, 61.8, 100, 161.8, 261.8, and 423.6. After a significant move (either up or down), prices will often rebound and retrace a significant portion (if not all) of the original move. As the price retraces, support and resistance levels will often occur at or near the Fibonacci Retracement levels. Time Zones The Fibonacci Time Zones command displays vertical lines at the Fibonacci intervals of 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, etc. The interpretation of Fibonacci Time Zones involves looking for significant changes in price near the vertical lines. It is beyond the scope of this website to provide a full explanation of Fourier analysis. Further information can be found in Technical Analysis of Stocks amp Commodities magazine (TASC), Volume One issues 2, 4, and 7 Volume Two issue 4 Volume Three issues 2 and 7 (Understanding Cycles) Volume Four issue 6 Volume Five issues 3 (In Search of the Cause of Cycles) and 5 (Cycles and Chart Patterns) and Volume Six issue 11 (Cycles). Fourier Transforms were originally developed as an engineering tool to study repetitious (cyclical) phenomena such as the vibration of a stringed musical instrument or an airplane wing during flight. The complete analysis concept is called spectral analysis. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is an abbreviated calculation that computes in seconds rather than minutes. The FFT sacrifices phase relationships and concentrates only on cycle length and amplitude (strength). The benefit of FFT is its ability to extract the predominate cycle(s) from a series of data (e. g. an indicator or a securitys price). FFTs are based on the principal that any finite, time-ordered set of data can be approximated arbitrarily well by decomposing the data into a set of sine waves. Each sine wave has a specific cycle length, amplitude, and phase relationship to the other sine waves. Problems occur when applying FFT analysis to security price data because FFTs were designed to be applied to non-trending, periodic data (whereas security price data tends to be trending). This is overcome by quotdetrendingquot the data using either a linear regression trendline or a moving average. Security data is not truly periodic, since securities are not traded on weekends and some holidays. MetaStock Pro removes these discontinuities by passing the data through a smoothing function called a quothamming window. quot As stated at the beginning of this section, it is beyond the scope of this website to provide complete interpretation of FFT analysis. The remainder of this section explains the interpretation of MetaStock Pro s Interpreted FFT. The Interpreted FFT displays an indicator that shows the three predominate cycle lengths and the relative strength (i. e. the relative amplitudes) of the cycles. The Interpreted FFT indicator is always displayed from the most significant cycle to the least significant cycle. The longer the indicator remains at a specific cycle length, the more predominate it was in the data being analyzed. Once you know the predominate cycle length, you may want to use it as a parameter for other indicators. For moving averages, use 12 of the cycle length for the optimum number of periods. For example, if you know that a security has a 40-day cycle, you may want to plot a 20-day moving average. The MESA Sinewave indicator was developed by recognized cycle specialist John Ehlers. The MESA Sinewave indicator looks like a sinewave when the market is in a cycle mode and tends to wander when the market is in a trend mode. The MESA Sinewave indicator anticipates cycle mode turning points rather than waiting for confirmation as is done with most oscillators. The MESA Sinewave indicator has the additional advantage that trend mode whipsaw signals are minimized. The Sine Wave indicator was introduced in the November 1996 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks amp Commodities magazine. The MESA Sinewave indicator consists of two plots - one displaying the Sine of the measured phase angle over the time period parameter and the other the Sine of the phase angle advanced by 45 degrees (called the Lead Sine). Together, the crossings of the Sine and Lead Sine plots give clear advanced indication of cycle mode turning points. When the MESA Sinewave indicator resembles an actual sine wave, this suggests the market is in a cycle mode. The indicator lines are not well structured when the market is in a trend mode. A buy signal is given when the Sine plot crosses above the Lead Sine plot. A sell signal is given when the Sine plot crosses below the Lead Sine plot. An obvious advantage that the MESA Sinewave indicator has over its overboughtoversold counterparts is that it enters and exits much more precisely without giving up a piece of the markets movement by waiting for confirmation. When the market is in a trend mode the MESA Sinewave indicator does not resemble a sine wave. In fact, the Sine and Lead Sine plots typically languish in a sideways pattern around zero, running somewhat parallel and distant from each other. The correct trading strategy in the trend mode is to trade the trend. Basic moving average crossovers are helpful for entering and exiting positions in this type of market. The MESA Sinewave indicator is sensitive to using the correct time period parameter. You can use the Cycle Lines line study to estimate the best time period to use.

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